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Meanings of Myrmeleonidae:


A genus of predatory insects of the family myrmeleontidae (order neuroptera), the adults of which resemble dragonflies; (also myrmeleon) an insect of this genus; an ant lion.

Meanings of Myrmeleontidae:


A genus of predatory insects of the family myrmeleontidae (order neuroptera), the adults of which resemble dragonflies; (also myrmeleon) an insect of this genus; an ant lion.

Meanings of Myrmicine:


Of or belonging to the subfamily myrmicinae of stinging ants. also more generally: of or relating to ants.


An ant of the subfamily myrmicinae.

Meanings of Myrobalan:


Another term for cherry plum.

Meanings of Myron:

proper noun

(fl.c.480–440 bc), greek sculptor. none of his work is known to survive, but there are two certain copies, one being the discobolus (c.450 bc), a figure of a man throwing the discus, which demonstrates a remarkable interest in symmetry and movement.

Meanings of Myrosin:


= myrosinase .

Meanings of Myrosinase:


An enzyme present in certain plants which catalyses the hydrolysis of sinigrin and other sulphur-containing glycosides (e.g. in reactions occurring when tissue is damaged).

Meanings of Myrrhed:


Sprinkled, treated, or impregnated with myrrh.

Meanings of Myrrhine:


Of or relating to murra; made of or resembling murra.


A murrhine vase or cup.

Meanings of Myrrhophore:


Each of the women, usually three in number, traditionally represented in art as carrying spices to the sepulchre of christ.



Meanings of Myrtaceous:


Relating to or denoting plants of the myrtle family ( myrtaceae ).

Meanings of Myrtle:


An evergreen shrub which has glossy aromatic foliage and white flowers followed by purple-black oval berries.

Usage examples:

When i moved into my bungalow about 20 years ago, i inherited a shrub which i was given to understa…

Meanings of Mysid:


A crustacean of an order that comprises the opossum shrimps.

Usage examples:

Adult land-locked fish eat mostly zooplankton, especially larger varieties such as copepods, cladoc…

Meanings of Mysis:


A genus of malacostracan crustaceans, originally comprising all the opossum shrimps (family mysidae), but now restricted to a smaller number of related marine and freshwater species. also (usually in form mysis): a crustacean of this genus (also "mysis shrimp").

Meanings of Mysore:

proper noun

A city in the indian state of karnataka; population 1,042,400 (est. 2009). it was the capital of the princely state of mysore and is noted for the production of silk, incense, and sandalwood oil.

Meanings of Mysosts:


A scandinavian whey cheese made originally from goat's milk and later also from cow's milk.

Meanings of Mystacine:


Designating the whiskered bat myotis mystacinus.

Meanings of Mystagogic:


= mystagogical .

Meanings of Mystagogical:


Of or relating to a mystagogue or mystagogy; concerned with instruction or initiation in religious mysteries.

Meanings of Mystagogue:


A teacher or propounder of mystical doctrines.

Usage examples:

John the evangelist thus becomes the perfect type of the mystic, and also the perfect mystagogue, t…

Meanings of Mystax:


A line of stiff hairs or bristles on the mouthparts of certain flies.

Meanings of Mysteriarch:


A person who presides over mysteries.

Meanings of Mysteries:


Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

Usage examples:

The mysteries of outer space

Meanings of Mysterious:


Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.

Usage examples:

His colleague had vanished in mysterious circumstances



Meanings of Mystery:


Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

Usage examples:

The mysteries of outer space

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