All English words - page 203
Meanings of Allottee:
nounA person to whom something is allotted, especially land or shares.
Usage examples:
They alleged that the allottees were changing land use without sanctions.
Meanings of Allottees:
nounA person to whom something is allotted, especially land or shares.
Usage examples:
They alleged that the allottees were changing land use without sanctions.
Meanings of Allotter:
nounA person who allots or apportions something.
Meanings of Allotters:
nounA person who allots or apportions something.
Meanings of Allotting:
verbGive or apportion (something) to someone.
Usage examples:
Equal time was allotted to each
Present participle of allot
Meanings of Allotype:
nounA designated paratype of the opposite sex to the holotype.
Meanings of Allotypes:
nounA designated paratype of the opposite sex to the holotype.
Meanings of Allotypies:
nounThe occurrence of an immunoglobulin or other protein in genetically determined, antigenically distinct forms in different members of the same species.
Meanings of Allotypy:
nounThe occurrence of an immunoglobulin or other protein in genetically determined, antigenically distinct forms in different members of the same species.
Meanings of Allover:
adjectiveCovering the whole of something.
Usage examples:
She returned with an all-over tan
Meanings of Allow:
verbLet (someone) have or do something.
Usage examples:
The dissident was allowed to leave the country
Meanings of Allow-for:
phrasal verbMake a possibility or provide opportunity for
Meanings of Allowable:
adjectiveAllowed, especially within a set of regulations; permissible.
Usage examples:
The loan deal has been extended to the maximum allowable three months
Meanings of Allowableness:
nounThe quality of being allowable; permissibility, legitimacy.
Meanings of Allowance:
nounThe amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose.
Usage examples:
Your baggage allowance
verbGive (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.
Usage examples:
I have made up my mind to allowance him
Meanings of Allowanced:
verbGive (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.
Usage examples:
I have made up my mind to allowance him
nounThe amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose.
Usage examples:
Your baggage allowance
Meanings of Allowances:
nounThe amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose.
Usage examples:
Your baggage allowance
verbGive (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.
Usage examples:
I have made up my mind to allowance him
Meanings of Allowancing:
verbGive (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.
Usage examples:
I have made up my mind to allowance him
nounThe amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose.
Usage examples:
Your baggage allowance
Meanings of Allowed:
verbLet (someone) have or do something.
Usage examples:
The dissident was allowed to leave the country
Meanings of Allowedly:
adverbAs is generally admitted to be true.
Usage examples:
English is allowedly one of the most complete of the european languages
Meanings of Allowing:
verbLet (someone) have or do something.
Usage examples:
The dissident was allowed to leave the country
Meanings of Allows:
verbLet (someone) have or do something.
Usage examples:
The dissident was allowed to leave the country
Meanings of Alloxan:
nounAn acidic compound obtained by the oxidation of uric acid and isolated as an efflorescent crystalline hydrate.
Usage examples:
To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of oxidative stress on plant growth r…
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