All English words - page 201
Meanings of Allonymous:
adjectivePublished or appearing under the name of someone other than the actual author; falsely attributed to an author.
Meanings of Allonyms:
nounThe name of another person which has been assumed by the actual author of a work; (more generally) any name assumed by someone; a pseudonym, an alias. also (occasionally): a book purporting to be by someone other than its actual author.
Meanings of Allopalladium:
nounA silver-grey mineral containing palladium and other elements, originally thought to be an impure allotrope of palladium and now identified with stibiopalladinite.
Meanings of Allopath:
nounA person who practises allopathy.
Usage examples:
Meanwhile, an allopath may be offering oral essential oils, herbal tinctures and clay treatments al…
Meanings of Allopathic:
adjectiveRelating to traditional western medicine
Usage examples:
Allopathic medicine is what most of us encounter when we go to the doctor., most conventional weste…
Meanings of Allopathically:
adverbIn an allopathic manner; using or advocating the methods of allopathy.
Meanings of Allopaths:
nounA person who practises allopathy.
Usage examples:
Meanwhile, an allopath may be offering oral essential oils, herbal tinctures and clay treatments al…
Meanings of Allopathy:
nounThe treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e. with drugs having effects opposite to the symptoms.
Usage examples:
If the imbalance called illness occurs, they apply self-healing, then resort as needed to such arts…
Meanings of Allopatric:
adjective(of animals or plants, especially of related species or populations) occurring in separate non-overlapping geographical areas.
Usage examples:
Some zoogeographic species consist of two or more related populations that are allopatric in distri…
Meanings of Allophanate:
nounA salt or ester of allophanic acid.
Meanings of Allophanates:
nounA salt or ester of allophanic acid.
Meanings of Allophane:
nounAn amorphous clay mineral, typically pale blue, consisting essentially of hydrated aluminium silicate.
Meanings of Allophone:
nounAny of the various phonetic realizations of a phoneme in a language, which do not contribute to distinctions of meaning. for example, in english an aspirated p (as in pin ) and unaspirated p (as in spin ) are allophones of the phoneme /p/, whereas in ancient greek the distinction was phonemic.
Meanings of Allophones:
nounAny of the various phonetic realizations of a phoneme in a language, which do not contribute to distinctions of meaning. for example, in english an aspirated p (as in pin ) and unaspirated p (as in spin ) are allophones of the phoneme /p/, whereas in ancient greek the distinction was phonemic.
Meanings of Allophonically:
adverbIn regard to allophones; by means of allophones.
Meanings of Allophyle:
nounA member of another tribe; a foreigner, an alien.
adjectiveForeign, alien; = allophylian .
Meanings of Allophylian:
adjective(a) in the terminology of j. c. prichard: designating the peoples of asia and europe whose languages belong neither to the indo-european nor the semitic groups, and were supposed to have been the original inhabitants of these regions; belonging to or characteristic of these peoples or their languages. later also: relating to or designating all the languages of eurasia, or of the world, outside the indo-european and semitic families. now historical. (b) more generally: ethnically or linguistically unrelated.
nounA member of an allophylian race or people.
Meanings of Alloplastic:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or of the nature of alloplasty; used in alloplasty.
Meanings of Alloplasty:
nounSurgical repair or replacement of tissue and organs with inorganic or synthetic materials, or (especially in early use) with animal tissue; an instance of this.
Meanings of Allopolyploid:
adjectiveDesignating a polyploid whose sets of chromosomes are derived from different species; of or relating to such a polyploid.
nounA polyploid organism of this type.
Meanings of Allopolyploidy:
nounThe state or condition of being allopolyploid; the act or process of a hybrid becoming a new species by polyploidizing.
Meanings of Allopurinol:
nounA synthetic drug which inhibits uric acid formation, used to treat gout and related conditions.
Usage examples:
A separate study in the united states reported in circulation showed that the drug allopurinol - us…
Meanings of Alloquialism:
nounAn expression or mode of speech used when addressing someone.
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