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Meanings of In-arrears:


Owing money that should have been paid already

Usage examples:

My account is badly in arrears., they are in arrears on their mortgage payments., i'm paid a week i…

Meanings of In-attendance:


Present with someone and helping or taking care of them

Usage examples:

He never goes out without his security men in attendance., she got married with family and close fr…

Meanings of In-balance:


Spending no more money in a budget (= financial plan) than is taken in during a particular period

Usage examples:

We want to cut the budget to get it in balance by the year 2012.

Meanings of In-bits:


To be very upset

Usage examples:

He was in bits after her death.

Meanings of In-black:


Earning more money than you spend

Usage examples:

This year our business is in the black.

Meanings of In-bloom:


To be producing flowers

Usage examples:

The apple trees are in full bloom (= completely covered in flowers)., if i were you, i'd visit in a…

Meanings of In-cahoots:


Acting together with others for an illegal or dishonest purpose

Usage examples:

A banker and a government minister were in cahoots over a property deal., it's reckoned that someon…


ˌɪn ˈkæm.rə

Meanings of In-camera:


In private, without the public, newspaper reporters, etc. being there

Usage examples:

Be held in camera the trial was held in camera because the accused was only 14 years old.

Meanings of In-character:


Typical or typically of the way someone usually behaves, or of the particular qualities that a person, place, etc. has

Usage examples:

His recent behaviour is very much in character., it is not in character for paul to miss an importa…

Meanings of In-charge:


Being the person who has control of or is responsible for someone or something

Usage examples:

Who will be in charge of the department when sophie leaves?, i left jack in charge of the suitcases…

Meanings of In-circulation:


(of money) being used in the economy

Usage examples:

Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation., if more people borrow mo…

Meanings of In-clover:


In ease and luxury.

Usage examples:

We'll be in clover down there, lying around in the sun and fishing on the lake

To enjoy a life of money and comfort

Usage examples:

With the income from the family estate, she's in clover.

Meanings of In-collaboration:


Working closely together to create or achieve the same thing

Usage examples:

The director was in close collaboration with the playwright., i think you will find that they are g…

Meanings of In-collusion:


If a person or organization is acting in collusion with another person or organization, they have agreed to act together secretly or illegally in order to deceive or cheat someone

Usage examples:

It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist network., he accused the police of m…

Meanings of In-combination:


If something exists or is used in combination with another thing, the two things exist or are used together

Usage examples:

This blouse would look good in combination with a navy blue jacket., this drug can be safely used i…

Meanings of In-company:


Happening or done within an organization

Usage examples:

Six weeks of in-company training prepared the sales force for the field.

Meanings of In-conjunction:


Inside a container, place, or area, or surrounded or closed off ...

Meanings of In-contact:


In communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly

Usage examples:

They are in contact with each other by text or email at least once a day., she hasn't been in conta…

Meanings of In-contact-with:


In communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly

Usage examples:

They are in contact with each other by text or email at least once a day., she hasn't been in conta…

Meanings of In-contention:


Able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sports

Usage examples:

This loss puts them out of contention for the playoffs this year., her weak performance on the para…



Meanings of In-control:


The ability or power to decide or strongly influence the particular way in which something will happen or someone will behave, or the condition of having such ability or power

Usage examples:

[ u ] the first few months he was running the company, randy didn’t really feel in control., [ u ] …

To be in charge of something or someone and have the power to make decisions relating to them

Usage examples:

The chicago-based holding company controls a global network of advertising and public relations age…

Meanings of In-credit:


If an account is in credit, there is money in it that can be spent and no money is owed

Usage examples:

Last april his account was £300 in credit., money can be automatically transferred from the savings…



Meanings of In-debit:


Money taken out of a financial account, or a record of money taken

Usage examples:

We have debited your account $30.



Meanings of In-demand:


To ask for forcefully, in a way that shows that refusal is not expected and will not be accepted

Usage examples:

[ t ] the library demanded $5 for each book returned late., [ + to infinitive ] i demand to see the…

A need for goods or services that customers want to buy or use

Usage examples:

Increasing/rising/growing demand, declining/falling/slowing demand, high/strong/huge demand, a decl…



Meanings of In-depth:


In a serious and detailed way

Usage examples:

I'd like to look at this question in some depth., these issues are explored in depth in her latest …

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