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Meanings of Hazier:


Covered by a haze.

Usage examples:

It was a beautiful day but quite hazy

Meanings of Haziest:


Covered by a haze.

Usage examples:

It was a beautiful day but quite hazy

Meanings of Hazily:


In a way that is not clearly remembered or noticed

Usage examples:

She only hazily remembered her previous visit., he was hazily aware of a dull ache in the small of …

Meanings of Hazing:


Obscure with a haze.

Usage examples:

A clump of islands, very green, but hazed in cloud and mist

A slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles.

Usage examples:

The cold air has no pollution and very little haze

Meanings of Hazle:


Earth containing a mixture of sand, clay, and gravel. chiefly (and in earliest use) attributive, as "hazel earth", "hazel ground", "hazel loam", "hazel mould", etc.

Meanings of Hazzan:


Another term for cantor (sense 1).

Meanings of Hazzanim:


Another term for cantor (sense 1).

Meanings of Hb:


Half board.

Usage examples:

Twin rooms with facilities on an hb basis


Usage examples:

Your hb level will be tested early in pregnancy



Meanings of Hcf:


Highest common factor.


The highest number that can be divided exactly into each of two or more numbers.

Usage examples:

6 is the highest common factor of 12 and 18

Abbreviation for highest common factor: the highest number that a set of two or more different numbers can be divided by exactly

Meanings of Hd:


(of television) high-definition.



Meanings of He:


Used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal previously mentioned or easily identified.

Usage examples:

Everyone liked my father—he was the perfect gentleman

A male; a man.

Usage examples:

Is that a he or a she?

High explosive.

The chemical element helium.

Meanings of Head for:

phrasal verb

If you are heading for a bad situation, you are likely to experience it soon, because of your own actions or behaviour

Usage examples:

They're heading for disaster if they're not careful., the country is heading for recession.

Meanings of Head in clouds:

To not know the facts of a situation

Meanings of Head out:


Extremely silly

Usage examples:

He must be out of his mind to have spent that much money on an old car!

Meanings of Head over:


Completely in love

Head start

ˌhed ˈstɑːt

Meanings of Head start:


An instance of starting ahead of or before others, as in a race, chase, etc., sometimes by a specified amount; the fact of having such an advantage.

Meanings of Head up:


Be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel

phrasal verb

Be in charge or control of something.

Usage examples:

She headed up two fraud squad teams within the city of london police

Meanings of Head-first:


With the head going first

Usage examples:

Dive head first into she dived head first into the pool.

Meanings of Head-of-state:


The official leader of a country, often someone who has few or no real political powers

Meanings of Head-off:


Prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

phrasal verb

Intercept and cause someone or something to turn aside.

Usage examples:

He ran up the road to head off approaching cars



Meanings of Head-on:


Meeting front to front


Involving the front of a vehicle or vehicles.

Usage examples:

A head-on collision

With the front of a vehicle.

Usage examples:

They hit a bus head-on

Meanings of Head-over-heels-in-love-with:


Completely in love with another person

Usage examples:

Laura fell head over heels in love with chris.

Meanings of Head-to-head:


Opposing each other in direct competition

Usage examples:

The two giant aircraft companies went head-to-head for the $2 billion order., tampa bay has no head…

Meanings of Headache:


A continuous pain in the head.

Usage examples:

I've got a splitting headache

Meanings of Headaches:


A continuous pain in the head.

Usage examples:

I've got a splitting headache

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