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Meanings of Get-down-to:

phrasal verb

Begin to do or give serious attention to something.

Usage examples:

Let's get down to business

Meanings of Get-down-to-business:


To start talking about the subject to be discussed

Usage examples:

If the introductions are over i'd like to get down to business.

Meanings of Get-even-with:


To do something equally bad to someone who has done something bad to you

Meanings of Get-in-touch:


To communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them

Usage examples:

Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?, jen and i never kept in touch after co…

Meanings of Get-into-a-state:


To become nervous and upset

Usage examples:

She got into a real state before her driving test.

Meanings of Get-into-trouble:


If a man gets a woman or girl who is not married into trouble, he makes her pregnant

Usage examples:

When he got his girlfriend into trouble, her parents wanted them to marry.

Meanings of Get-it-together:


To make a decision or take positive action

Usage examples:

We would have liked to have gone, but we couldn’t get it together to drive there.

Meanings of Get-lost:


Infml go away

Usage examples:

The old man yelled at the kids playing in his yard to get lost.

Meanings of Get-off-it:

phrasal verb

To escape legal punishment, or to help someone escape legal punishment

Usage examples:

She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer got her off., he got off with a suspended sentence of th…

Meanings of Get-out-of:

phrasal verb

Contrive to avoid or escape a duty or responsibility.

Usage examples:

They wanted to get out of paying

Something that allows you to avoid an unpleasant result of your actions, for example a punishment or duty

Usage examples:

He warns americans that their nationality is not a get-out-of-jail-free card if they break the law …

To get a feeling of excitement, energy, and pleasure out of something

Usage examples:

I get a buzz out of public speaking., i got such a buzz out of seeing the kids' faces at the show.,…

Meanings of Get-out-of-bed:


To be in a bad mood and to be easily annoyed all day

Meanings of Get-over-something:


To accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while

Usage examples:

They’re upset that you didn’t call, but they’ll get over it., she’s just getting over the flu., i c…

Meanings of Get-possession-of:


To start to use and control something such as a building or piece of land that you may or may not own

Usage examples:

We've already bought the house but we won't take possession of it until may., if they can't pay the…

Meanings of Get-some:


To sleep

Usage examples:

All i want to do is go home and catch some z's.

Meanings of Get-somebody-down:

phrasal verb

To cause someone to feel unhappy and negative

Usage examples:

Mostly what gets him down is the incredibly long hours he works.

Meanings of Get-someone-out:

phrasal verb

To make a product, book, etc. available to buy

Usage examples:

He's got two new cds out.

Meanings of Get-someone-used:


To become familiar with something or someone

Usage examples:

Eventually you'll get used to the smells of the laboratory., [ + -ing verb ] i just can't get used …

Meanings of Get-someones-goat:


Irritate someone.

Usage examples:

Apart from the super-slow service, what else got my goat?

To make you annoyed or angry

Usage examples:

When i park in her space, it really gets her goat.

Meanings of Get-the-hang-of:


To learn how to do something, esp. when it is not simple or obvious

Usage examples:

I’ll teach you how to use the design program – you’ll get the hang of it after a while.

Meanings of Get-the-message:


To understand what someone is trying to tell you even though the person does not say it directly

Usage examples:

I ignore him every time i see him, so you’d think he’d get the message and leave me alone.

Meanings of Get-to-grips:


To make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation

Usage examples:

The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time., i…

Meanings of Get-to-grips-with:


Begin to deal with or understand.

Usage examples:

The committee has failed to come to grips with the problem

To make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation

Usage examples:

The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time., i…

Meanings of Get-together:

phrasal verb

Get people together

Meanings of Get-up:

phrasal verb

Rise to one's feet

Meanings of Get-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed:


To wake up in a bad mood

Usage examples:

Dad got up on the wrong side of bed, and he’s been grumpy all day.

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