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Meanings of Get round:

phrasal verb

Coax or persuade someone to do or allow something that they initially do not want to.

Usage examples:

You're not getting round me that easily

Meanings of Get something out of your system:


To make yourself stop thinking about something

Usage examples:

I can't get that horrible moment/image out of my mind.

Meanings of Get stick:


To suffer the bad effects of a situation

Usage examples:

The people who get the short end of the stick are those whose income is just too high to qualify fo…

Meanings of Get the picture:


Understand a situation.

Usage examples:

Any trouble your father might have we can hide—d'you get the picture?

To understand

Usage examples:

It's all right, don't say any more - i get the picture.

Meanings of Get to:

phrasal verb

Arrive at the point of


To take something into your possession, or have something happen that you accept or receive

Usage examples:

He climbed over the fence to get his ball back., monique raised her hand to get the teacher’s atten…

Meanings of Get up to:

phrasal verb

Be involved in something, especially something illicit or surprising.

Usage examples:

What did you get up to last weekend?

Meanings of Get with the program:


Do what is expected of one; adopt the prevailing viewpoint.

Usage examples:

Come on you guys—get with the programme!

To accept new ideas and give more attention to what is happening now

Usage examples:

They've been playing the same old music for ten years now - it's time to get with the program.

Meanings of Get your ducks in a row:


To be well prepared or well organized for something that is going to happen

Usage examples:

They should have had their ducks in a row beforehand, so they were ready to start the job when requ…

Meanings of Get-a-fix-on:


To repair or adjust something

Usage examples:

I’ll fix that broken chair today., i need to fix my hair., let’s fix a date for our next meeting., …

Meanings of Get-a-grip:


To make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly

Usage examples:

I just think he ought to get a grip on himself - he's behaving like a child.

Meanings of Get-a-grip-on-oneself:


To make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly

Usage examples:

I just think he ought to get a grip on himself - he's behaving like a child.



Meanings of Get-at-able:


Able to be reached easily

Usage examples:

It's not a very get-at-able place., it was several thousand miles away and not getatable, so it was…

Meanings of Get-away-with:

phrasal verb

Escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for an act that is wrong.

Usage examples:

If he thinks he can get away with cheating me, he's very much mistaken

Meanings of Get-bogged-down:

phrasal verb

To be/become so involved in something difficult or complicated that you cannot do anything else

Usage examples:

Let's not get bogged down with individual complaints, uk try not to get too bogged down in the deta…

Meanings of Get-carried-away:


To become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do

Usage examples:

There's far too much food - i'm afraid i got a bit carried away., the manager warned his young play…

Meanings of Get-cold:


To feel too frightened to do something that you had planned to do

Usage examples:

I was going to try bungee jumping, but i got cold feet.

Meanings of Get-cracking:


To start doing something quickly

Usage examples:

Get cracking (= hurry), or we'll miss the train., i'd better get cracking on the food for tonight.

Meanings of Get-down-to:

phrasal verb

Begin to do or give serious attention to something.

Usage examples:

Let's get down to business

Meanings of Get-down-to-business:


To start talking about the subject to be discussed

Usage examples:

If the introductions are over i'd like to get down to business.

Meanings of Get-even-with:


To do something equally bad to someone who has done something bad to you

Meanings of Get-in-touch:


To communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them

Usage examples:

Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?, jen and i never kept in touch after co…

Meanings of Get-into-a-state:


To become nervous and upset

Usage examples:

She got into a real state before her driving test.

Meanings of Get-into-trouble:


If a man gets a woman or girl who is not married into trouble, he makes her pregnant

Usage examples:

When he got his girlfriend into trouble, her parents wanted them to marry.

Meanings of Get-it-together:


To make a decision or take positive action

Usage examples:

We would have liked to have gone, but we couldn’t get it together to drive there.

Meanings of Get-lost:


Infml go away

Usage examples:

The old man yelled at the kids playing in his yard to get lost.

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