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All English words - page 144

Meanings of Agnized:


Recognize the existence of.

Usage examples:

The concentration of power in the hands of local dynasts brought about a de facto change in the lan…

Meanings of Agnizes:


Recognize the existence of.

Usage examples:

The concentration of power in the hands of local dynasts brought about a de facto change in the lan…

Meanings of Agnizing:


Recognize the existence of.

Usage examples:

The concentration of power in the hands of local dynasts brought about a de facto change in the lan…

Meanings of Agnoetism:


The (heretical) doctrine of the agnoetes that christ shared limited knowledge with humans, and was not omniscient; belief in this.

Meanings of Agnoiology:


The study of the nature of ignorance or of what it is impossible to know; a particular theory concerning this.

Meanings of Agnomen:


A fourth name occasionally given as an honour to an ancient roman citizen.

Usage examples:

He earned the agnomen 'coriolanus' by conspicuous bravery in battle

Meanings of Agnomens:


A fourth name occasionally given as an honour to an ancient roman citizen.

Usage examples:

He earned the agnomen 'coriolanus' by conspicuous bravery in battle

Meanings of Agnominal:


Of, relating to, or of the nature of an agnomen.

Meanings of Agnomination:


The conjunction of words which sound similar; wordplay based on similar-sounding words; an instance of this.

Meanings of Agnosia:


Inability to interpret sensations and hence to recognize things, typically as a result of brain damage.

Usage examples:

Visual agnosia

Meanings of Agnostic:


A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god.

Usage examples:

Although not all skeptics are agnostics, as an agnostic himself dr groves sees no evidence for acce…

Relating to agnostics or agnosticism.

Usage examples:

So that wrestling is characteristic of my religious or agnostic poetry, but not necessarily everyth…

Meanings of Agnostical:



Meanings of Agnostically:


In an agnostic manner as regards religion or philosophy; so as to tend towards religious or philosophical agnosticism.

Meanings of Agnosticism:


The beliefs of someone who does not know, or believes that it is impossible to know, if a god exists

Usage examples:

According to census figures, men significantly outnumber women in claiming agnosticism., my agnosti…

Meanings of Agnostics:


A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of god.

Usage examples:

Although not all skeptics are agnostics, as an agnostic himself dr groves sees no evidence for acce…

Relating to agnostics or agnosticism.

Usage examples:

So that wrestling is characteristic of my religious or agnostic poetry, but not necessarily everyth…

Meanings of Ago:


Before the present; earlier (used with a measurement of time).

Usage examples:

He went five minutes ago

Meanings of Agog:


Very eager or curious to hear or see something.

Usage examples:

I'm all agog

Meanings of Agogic:


Relating to or denoting accentuation within musical phrases by slight lengthening of notes.

Usage examples:

What is new is the agogic and dynamic stress on the e, the weakest note of the c major triad, in ba…
plural noun

The use of agogic accents.

Usage examples:

Hugo riemann argues that without agogics music would be ‘machinelike’, and wagner asserts that musi…

Meanings of Agogics:


Relating to or denoting accentuation within musical phrases by slight lengthening of notes.

Usage examples:

What is new is the agogic and dynamic stress on the e, the weakest note of the c major triad, in ba…
plural noun

The use of agogic accents.

Usage examples:

Hugo riemann argues that without agogics music would be ‘machinelike’, and wagner asserts that musi…

Meanings of Agomphious:


Lacking teeth; toothless.

Meanings of Agon:


A public celebration of games, including athletic, dramatic, and musical contests, in the ancient greek or roman world; a contest for a prize at such games.

Meanings of Agonal:


An account of the life of a christian martyr; a martyrology.


Of or relating to an agon or public celebration of games.

Meanings of Agone:


Ago. now only following the noun (signifying the period elapsed).


Ago. chiefly with long.

Meanings of Agoniadin:


A bitter compound obtained from two amazonian forest trees, himatanthus lancifolius and h. sucuuba (family apocynaceae), whose bark and leaves are used in brazilian folk medicine.

Meanings of Agonies:


Extreme physical or mental suffering.

Usage examples:

He crashed to the ground in agony

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