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Meanings of Fall:


Move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control.

Usage examples:

Five inches of snow fell through the night

An act of falling or collapsing.

Usage examples:

His mother had a fall as she alighted from a train

Meanings of Fall about:

phrasal verb

Laugh uncontrollably.

Usage examples:

Audiences used to fall about when he shrugged his shoulders

Meanings of Fall apart:

phrasal verb

Go to pieces

Meanings of Fall back on:

phrasal verb

Have recourse to something when in difficulty.

Usage examples:

They normally fell back on one of three arguments

Meanings of Fall for:

phrasal verb

Fall in love with; become infatuated with

Meanings of Fall in:

phrasal verb

Break down, literally or metaphorically

Meanings of Fall in love with somebody:


To start to love someone romantically and sexually

Usage examples:

I was 20 when i first fell in love., he isn't the first boy to fall in love with her and he certain…

Fall off


Meanings of Fall off:

phrasal verb

Come off

Meanings of Fall off the wagon:


To start drinking alcohol, after a period when you have drunk none

Usage examples:

When her husband died, she fell off the wagon.

Meanings of Fall through:

phrasal verb

Fail utterly; collapse

Meanings of Fall-away:

phrasal verb

If parts of something fall away, they break off and drop to the ground

Usage examples:

On the bathroom ceiling, some pieces of plaster had fallen away., the rear sections of the rocket f…

Meanings of Fall-back:

phrasal verb

Fall backwards and down

Meanings of Fall-flat:


To not be funny or entertaining

Usage examples:

Some of the jokes were pretty funny, others fell flat.

Meanings of Fall-from-grace:


A situation in which you do something that makes people in authority stop liking you or admiring you

Usage examples:

The finance minister's fall from grace gave his enemies great satisfaction.

Meanings of Fall-in-with:

phrasal verb

To become friendly with someone

Usage examples:

She fell in with a strange crowd of people at university., it seemed like a good idea so we just fe…

Meanings of Fall-into-place:


To become well organized in a way that makes success likely

Usage examples:

After a lot of work over the past few years, my career goals are beginning to fall into place.

Meanings of Fall-on:

phrasal verb

When suspicion falls on a particular person, people think that they may be guilty of doing something bad

Usage examples:

He was the last person to see the woman alive, and suspicion immediately fell on him.

Meanings of Fall-to-pieces:


If someone falls or goes to pieces, that person becomes unable to think clearly and control their emotions because of something unpleasant or difficult that they have experienced

Usage examples:

She just went (all) to pieces during finals., the glass must have been cracked - it just fell to pi…



Meanings of Fall-upon:

phrasal verb

To attack someone suddenly and unexpectedly

Usage examples:

The soldiers fell on the villagers and seized all their weapons., her gaze fell upon a small box at…

Meanings of Fall-victim:


To fail or suffer because of something

Usage examples:

The movie industry fell victim to its own success.

Meanings of Fall-victim-to:


To fail or suffer because of something

Usage examples:

The movie industry fell victim to its own success.



Meanings of Fallacies:


A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments.

Usage examples:

The notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy

Meanings of Fallacious:


Based on a mistaken belief.

Usage examples:

Fallacious arguments



Meanings of Fallaciously:


In a way that is false

Usage examples:

Things have been promised to us fallaciously., it is a coalition fallaciously claiming to represent…

Meanings of Fallaciousness:


The quality of being false

Usage examples:

Two points demonstrate the fallaciousness of this argument.

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