Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Wreathes


Wreathes – definition


Cover, surround, or encircle (something).

Usage examples:

He sits wreathed in smoke

Form (flowers, leaves, or stems) into a wreath.

Usage examples:

In a bower in the duke of normandy’s garden at bayeux princess adela and her maidens are singing an…

To cover or surround something

Usage examples:

The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.

Wreathes translation into English

Wreathes: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wreathes into Chinese (Simplified)}
花圈, 盘绕, 裹住, 覆盖, 环绕, 成圈

Wreathes: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wreathes into Dutch}
Kransen, Vlechten, Strengelen, Draaien, Omkransen, Kronkelen, Winden

Wreathes: translate from English into French

Translate wreathes into French}
Couronnes, Tresser, Couronner, Orner, Entrelacer, Enrouler, Envelopper, S'entrelacer

Wreathes: translate from English into German

Translate wreathes into German}
Kränze, Winden, Umhüllen, Umwinden, Wickeln

Wreathes: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wreathes into Hindi}

Wreathes: translate from English into Italian

Translate wreathes into Italian}
Ghirlande, Inghirlandare, Intrecciarsi

Wreathes: translate from English into Korean

Translate wreathes into Korean}
화환, 동그랗게 되다, 감기다, 감다, 소용돌이치며 올라가다, 화관으로 장식하다, 화환으로 장식하다, 고리로 만들다

Wreathes: translate from English into Russian

Translate wreathes into Russian}
Венки, Обвивать, Обвиваться, Свивать, Сплетать, Клубиться, Расплываться, Покрывать

Wreathes: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wreathes into Spanish}
Coronas, Enguirnaldar, Enroscar, Envolver

Word origin

mid 16th century: partly a back-formation from archaic wrethen, past participle of writhe, reinforced by wreath.

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