Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Wet


Wet – definition


Covered or saturated with water or another liquid.

Usage examples:

She followed, slipping on the wet rock

Showing a lack of forcefulness or strength of character; feeble.

Usage examples:

They thought the cadets were a bit wet

(of a country or region or of its legislation) allowing the free sale of alcoholic drink.

Usage examples:

Our programme depends on our willingness to help other alcoholics, both wet and dry

Cover or touch with liquid; moisten.

Usage examples:

He wetted a finger and flicked through the pages

Liquid that makes something damp.

Usage examples:

I could feel the wet of his tears

A person lacking forcefulness or strength of character.

Usage examples:

There are sorts who look like gangsters and sorts who look like wets

A person opposed to the prohibition of alcohol.


With liquid in, on, or around something; not dry

Usage examples:

I stepped in a puddle of water and got my shoes wet., a lot of the wetness will evaporate before th…

Wet translation into English

Wet: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wet into Chinese (Simplified)}
弄湿, 湿, 湿气, 雨天, 濡湿, 浥, 渥, 溼

Wet: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wet into Dutch}
Nat, Bevochtigen, Nat maken, Vochtig, Vocht, Vers, Vochtigheid, Nat weer, Nattigheid, Regenachtig, Neerslag, Nattig, Waterig, Dronken, Aangeschoten, Slokje, Anti-onthouder

Wet: translate from English into French

Translate wet into French}
Humide, Mouiller, Mouillé, Pluvieux, Eau, Humidité, Pluie, Frais, Liquide, Trempé, Détrempé, Se mouiller, Tremper, Lavette, Faire pipi, Vin, Bourré, Vineux

Wet: translate from English into German

Translate wet into German}
Nass, Befeuchten, Feucht, Anfeuchten, Nässe, Feuchtigkeit, Frisch, Nässen, Nass machen, Regenzeit, Verregnet, Netzen, Waschlappen, Lasch, Einnässen, Weichlich, Antiprohibitionist, Gemäßigt, Gemäßigte

Wet: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wet into Hindi}
गीला, नम, सराबोर, बरसाती, गीला करना, तर, सिक्त, रोना, रोनेवाला, मूर्ख, मतवाला, शराबी, उन्मत्त, मदहोश, रक्तमय, तर करना, सिक्त करना, भिगोना, तर-बतर, वृष्टि-बहुल, आर्द्र

Wet: translate from English into Italian

Translate wet into Italian}
Bagnato, Bagnare, Umido, Inumidire, Acqua, Fresco, Umidità, Pioggia, Piovoso, Fradicio, Zuppo, Non asciutto, Inzuppare, Irrorare, Ammollare

Wet: translate from English into Korean

Translate wet into Korean}
젖은, 습기, 심약한, 술, 적시다, 비 내리는, 강우, 취한, 금주 반대자, 심약한 사람, 축이다, 오줌 누다, 비가 오다, 습식의, 음주를 금하지 않는, 젖이 나는, 오줌을 싸다, 술을 마시며 축하하다

Wet: translate from English into Russian

Translate wet into Russian}
Мокрый, Смачивать, Влажный, Мочить, Увлажнять, Сырой, Влажность, Сырость, Дождливый, Жидкий, Непросохший, Пьяный, Обмочить, Плакса, Плаксивый, Несуразный, Вспрыснуть, Слезливый, Глупый, Дождливая погода, Выпивка, Спиртные напитки, Глоток спиртного, Сопляк, Никчемный человек

Wet: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wet into Spanish}
Mojado, Húmedo, Mojar, Humedecer, Humedad, Lluvia, Lluvioso, Fresco, Antiprohibicionista, Inmigrante, De la derecha moderada, Derechista moderado, Bobo, Loco, Echar agua hirviente, Cerrar con un brindis, Hacer, Ilegal

Word origin

Old English wǣt (adjective and noun), wǣtan (verb); related to water.

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