Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Ward

Ward – definition


A separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient.

Usage examples:

A children's ward

An administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councillor or councillors.

Usage examples:

The second most marginal ward in westminster

A child or young person under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a court.

Usage examples:

For the last three years, the boy has been my ward

Any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock that prevent the turning of any key which does not have grooves of corresponding form or size.


Any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock which prevent the turning of any key which does not have grooves of corresponding form or size.


The action of keeping a lookout for danger.

Usage examples:

I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates

An area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle.


Admit to or care for in a hospital ward.

Usage examples:

The last of the accident victims was warded

Guard; protect.

Usage examples:

It was his duty to ward the king

(forming adverbs) towards the specified place or direction.

Usage examples:


(forming adjectives) turned or tending towards.

Usage examples:


A person who is under the protection of another


A large room in a hospital which is used for treating people with similar illnesses or conditions

Usage examples:

The pediatric/maternity ward, the agency serves youths who are wards of the state., the fifth ward

Ward translation into English

Ward: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ward into Chinese (Simplified)}
病房, 牢房, 保卫, 挡, 捍, 辟, 抵制, 躲开, 搪

Ward: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ward into Dutch}
Afdeling, Wijk, Ziekenzaal, Pupil, Wacht, Curatele, Hechtenis, Beschermeling, Bewaking, Verzekerde bewaring, Stadswijk, Voogdijschap, Pareren, Bewaken, Waken, Beschermen, Gevangenschap, Bezetting, Garnizoen, Het pareren, Waken over, De wacht houden bij

Ward: translate from English into French

Translate ward into French}
Quartier, Parer, Pavillon, Tutelle, Garde, Circonscription, Éviter, Garder, Arrêt

Ward: translate from English into German

Translate ward into German}
Station, Mündel, Krankenzimmer, Krankensaal, Stadtbezirk, Kreis, Wahlbezirk, Einschnitt, Angriff, Aussparung

Ward: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ward into Hindi}
बालक, परवरिश, सरपरस्ती, संरक्षण, अभिभावकता, मुहल्ला, प्रतिपालित, संरक्षण में रहनेवाला नाबालिग़, रक्षा करना, हिरासत

Ward: translate from English into Italian

Translate ward into Italian}
Reparto, Corsia, Custodia, Guardia, Tutela, Custodire, Proteggere, Tutelare

Ward: translate from English into Korean

Translate ward into Korean}
구, 병실, 피후견인, 보호, 선거구, 피보호자, 후견, 감시, 감방, 감독, 감금, 기숙사, 억류, 감시인, 간수, 방어 자세, 지키다, 피후견자, 수용실, 열쇠나 자물쇠 내부의 돌기, 열쇠의 홈, 숙직인, 받아넘기다, 물리치다, 병동 등에 수용하다, 병동에 수용하다, 보호하다, 후견하다, 방향을 나타내며

Ward: translate from English into Russian

Translate ward into Russian}
Сторожить, Палата, Подопечный, Опека, Камера, Опекаемый, Административный район, Заключение, Выступ, Выемка, Смотритель, Охранять

Ward: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ward into Spanish}
Pabellón, Sala, Pupilo, Tutela, Custodia, Guarda, Distrito electoral, Crujía, Guardar

Word origin

Old English -weard, from a Germanic base meaning ‘turn’.

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