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The meaning of Twist

Twist – definition


Form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape.

Usage examples:

A strip of metal is twisted to form a hollow tube

Cause to rotate around a stationary point; turn.

Usage examples:

She twisted her ring round and round on her finger

Dance the twist.

Usage examples:

The dancing couples twisted and turned, dancing until they got dizzy and sat down for a drink.

Cheat; defraud.

Usage examples:

For those of you who lied, twisted, cheated and bullied until the least worst choice available to m…

(in pontoon) request, deal, or be dealt a card face upwards.

Usage examples:

The other players' cards will not be visible at this point, except where they have split, twisted, …

An act of twisting something around a stationary point.

Usage examples:

The taps needed a single twist to turn them on

A thing with a spiral shape.

Usage examples:

A barley sugar twist

A distorted shape.

Usage examples:

He had a cruel twist to his mouth

A point at which something turns or bends.

Usage examples:

The car negotiated the twists and turns of the mountain road

A fine strong thread consisting of twisted strands of cotton or silk.

Usage examples:

Then use some thick yellow thread - i buy a type of thread called buttonhole twist - to hem all alo…

A drink consisting of two ingredients mixed together.

Usage examples:

Mo couldn't contain herself any longer, and covered her smirk with a twist of gin and bitter lemon.

A carpet with a tightly curled pile.

Usage examples:

This is a very nice piece of blue twist carpet.

Cause an object to assume a curved or distorted shape


To turn repeatedly, or to combine thin lengths of a material by turning or wrapping

Usage examples:

[ i ] a river twists through the valley., [ i ] vines twisted around the trunk of the old tree., [ …

Twist translation into English

Twist: translate from English into Chinese

Translate twist into Chinese (Simplified)}
捻, 拧, 绞, 搓, 歪曲, 蜷曲, 曲解, 盘, 折, 扭伤, 綯, 搓揉, 纡, 捩, 拳曲, 摇, 闪, 蜷局, 涡状形

Twist: translate from English into Dutch

Translate twist into Dutch}
Twist, Draai, Draaien, Kronkel, Twisten, Kronkelen, Trek, Verrekking, Krul, Bedriegen, Strengel, Spinnen, Roltabak, Eetlust, Bedriegerij

Twist: translate from English into French

Translate twist into French}
Tourner, Torsion, Tordre, Twist, Se tordre, Tournure, Tour, Déformer, Tournant, Tortillon, Déformation, Entorse, Virage, Distorsion, Faire tourner, Fil, Enrouler, Corde, Entortiller, Coude, Fausser, Déboîter, Corder, Se visser, Travestir, S'entortiller, Tire-bouchonner

Twist: translate from English into German

Translate twist into German}
Twist, Drehen, Verdrehen, Drehung, Wendung, Drall, Dreh, Schraube, Biegung, Verbiegen, Verziehen, Sich drehen, Kurve, Rotation, Wickeln, Effet, Einstellen, Aufnehmen

Twist: translate from English into Hindi

Translate twist into Hindi}
मोड़, ट्विस्ट, मरोड़, मरोड़ना, बल, वक्र, घुमाना, फेरना, भांजना, ख़म

Twist: translate from English into Italian

Translate twist into Italian}
Intrecciare, Torsione, Torcere, Twist, Girare, Attorcigliare, Stravolgere, Piega, Spirale, Distorsione, Torcersi, Attorcigliarsi, Filo, Treccia, Curva, Storcere, Distorcere, Storta, Arrotolare, Spira, Contorcere, Intrecciarsi, Deformare, Snodarsi, Serpeggiare, Travisare, Far piegare, Slogatura, Filoncino

Twist: translate from English into Korean

Translate twist into Korean}
트위스트, 비틀림, 꼬다, 급진전, 혼합주, 뒤틀다, 곡해, 꼰 실, 나선 모양, 꼬인 빵, 꼬인 담배, 굽음, 부정, 버릇, 식욕, 특별한 비결, 찡그림, 비틀어 돌리다, 비틀어 떼다, 뚫고 나가다, 몸부림 치다, 비비다, 찡그리다, 곡해하다, 뚫고 지나가다, 누비며 지나가다, 부정 수단을 쓰다, 뒤틀리다, 화환을 만들다, 나쁜 짓을 하다, 트위스트를 추다

Twist: translate from English into Russian

Translate twist into Russian}
Крутить, Твист, Поворот, Выкручивать, Кручение, Покрутить, Скручивание, Изгиб, Крутка, Скручивать, Искажение, Искривление, Вить, Ход, Вывих, Кривить, Изгибаться, Поворачиваться, Обман, Вертеть, Отличительная черта, Поворачивать, Шнур, Искажать, Плетенка, Закрутиться, Сплетаться, Виться, Сучить, Изгибать, Искривлять, Обманывать, Танцевать твист, Характерная особенность, Выжимать, Сучение, Кривизна, Веревка, Шнурок, Шаг винтовой нарезки, Витой хлеб, Хала, Чудовищный аппетит, Смешанный напиток, Сплетать, Свить, Свивать, Извивать, Что-либо свернутое

Twist: translate from English into Spanish

Translate twist into Spanish}
Giro, Torcedura, Torcer, Torsión, Girar, Twist, Retorcer, Retorcerse, Peculiaridad, Sesgo, Recodo, Torcimiento, Torzal, Rasgo, Trenza, Contorsión, Esguince, Rollo, Efecto, Trenzar, Enroscar, Cucurucho, Enroscadura, Enroscarse, Forzar, Serpentear, Deformar, Dar vueltas, Bies, Estafa, Entrelazar, Robar, Torcerse a, Mecha, Torcer fuertemente, Dar efecto a, Formar en espiral, Estafar, Ensortijarse, Revolcarse, Bailar el twist, Interpretar mal

Word origin

Old English (as a noun), of Germanic origin; probably from the base of twin and twine1. Current verb senses date from late Middle English.

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