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The meaning of Twig


Twig – definition


A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.

Usage examples:

Sound wave vibrations are absorbed by leaves, branches and twigs of trees and shrubs.

A small branch of a blood vessel or nerve.

Usage examples:

Cutaneous nerve twigs

Twig translation into English

Twig: translate from English into Chinese

Translate twig into Chinese (Simplified)}
枝条, 嫩枝, 枝, 条, 注意, 树条

Twig: translate from English into Dutch

Translate twig into Dutch}
Takje, Tak, Twijg, Twijgje, Wichelroede, Bemerken, Snappen, Begrijpen, Rank

Twig: translate from English into French

Translate twig into French}
Brindille, Petite branche, Brin, Comprendre, Piger, Branchettes, Observer, Mode, Habits

Twig: translate from English into German

Translate twig into German}
Zweig, Reis, Kapieren, Wedel, Mitbekommen

Twig: translate from English into Hindi

Translate twig into Hindi}
फ़ैशन, टहनी, डाली, देखना, छड़ी, डंडी, मन में टांक रखना, देख लेना, पल्लव

Twig: translate from English into Italian

Translate twig into Italian}
Ramoscello, Rametto, Capire

Twig: translate from English into Korean

Translate twig into Korean}
작은 가지, 점대, 감지하다

Twig: translate from English into Russian

Translate twig into Russian}
Ветка, Веточка, Прут, Прутик, Хворостинка, Стиль, Наблюдать, Разгадывать, Замечать, Понимать, Мода

Twig: translate from English into Spanish

Translate twig into Spanish}
Ramita, Comprender, Caer en la cuenta de

Word origin

mid 18th century: of unknown origin.

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