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The meaning of Tint


Tint – definition


A shade or variety of a colour.

Usage examples:

The sky was taking on an apricot tint

An artificial dye for colouring the hair.

Usage examples:

The orange tint coloured her hair and made her skin look ill, but i recognised her.

Colour (something) slightly; tinge.

Usage examples:

Her skin was tinted with delicate colour

To color something slightly

Usage examples:

Here, the ocean is gray with a blue tint.

Tint translation into English

Tint: translate from English into Chinese

Translate tint into Chinese (Simplified)}
着色, 色彩, 色, 染色, 染

Tint: translate from English into Dutch

Translate tint into Dutch}
Tint, Tinten, Kleurschakering, Tint geven, Kleurnuance

Tint: translate from English into French

Translate tint into French}
Teinte, Teinter, Nuance, Se teinter, Shampooing colorant, Griser, Hachure

Tint: translate from English into German

Translate tint into German}
Farbton, Tönung, Tönen, Färbung, Ton, Schattierung, Tönungsmittel

Tint: translate from English into Hindi

Translate tint into Hindi}
टिंट, रंग, रंगत, आभा, पीला रंग, वर्णक

Tint: translate from English into Italian

Translate tint into Italian}
Tinta, Colore, Sfumatura, Colorire

Tint: translate from English into Korean

Translate tint into Korean}
색조, 머리 염색제, 엷은 빛깔, 선의 음영, 성질, 색채의 배합, 색칠하다, 염색하다

Tint: translate from English into Russian

Translate tint into Russian}
Оттенок, Тон, Краска, Ненасыщенный тон, Светлый тон, Слегка окрашивать, Бледный тон, Подцвечивать

Tint: translate from English into Spanish

Translate tint into Spanish}
Tinte, Teñir, Matiz, Color, Matizar, Media tinta

Word origin

early 18th century: alteration (perhaps influenced by Italian tinta ) of obsolete tinct ‘to colour, tint’, from Latin tinctus ‘dyeing’, from tingere ‘to dye or colour’.

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