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The meaning of Stabbed

Stabbed – definition


Thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to wound or kill.

Usage examples:

He stabbed her in the stomach

A thrust with a knife or other pointed weapon.

Usage examples:

Multiple stab wounds

An attempt to do (something)

Usage examples:

Meredith made a feeble stab at joining in

Past simple and past participle of stab

Stabbed translation into English

Stabbed: translate from English into Chinese

Translate stabbed into Chinese (Simplified)}
刺伤, 刺, 捅, 戳, 剚

Stabbed: translate from English into Dutch

Translate stabbed into Dutch}
Neergestoken, Steken, Doorsteken, Doodsteken, Doorboren, Toesteken

Stabbed: translate from English into French

Translate stabbed into French}
Poignardé, Poignarder, Frapper, Blesser, Enfoncer un couteau

Stabbed: translate from English into German

Translate stabbed into German}
Niedergestochen, Stechen, Erdolchen, Einstechen, Durchstechen, Niederstechen

Stabbed: translate from English into Hindi

Translate stabbed into Hindi}
छुरा घोंपा, निशाना बाँध कर आघात करना, भोंकना, मारना, घोंपना

Stabbed: translate from English into Italian

Translate stabbed into Italian}
Accoltellato, Pugnalare, Accoltellare, Trafiggere

Stabbed: translate from English into Korean

Translate stabbed into Korean}
찔린, 찌르다, 몹시 해치다, 찌르듯이 아프다, 찌르려고 대들다, 구멍을 뚫다, 면을 거칠게 하여 도벽재료와 잘 붙게 하다

Stabbed: translate from English into Russian

Translate stabbed into Russian}
Заколот, Закалывать, Пронзать, Наносить удар кинжалом, Нападать, Вонзать, Кольнуть, Ранить, Ранить кинжалом, Вредить, Ранить ножом, Наносить ущерб, Стрелять

Stabbed: translate from English into Spanish

Translate stabbed into Spanish}
Apuñalado, Apuñalar

Word origin

late Middle English: of unknown origin.

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