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The meaning of Slash


Slash – definition


Cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword.

Usage examples:

For what felt like hours we climbed behind the trackers slashing the undergrowth ahead

Lash, whip, or thrash.

Usage examples:

Slash him with bridle-reins and dog-whips!

A wide, sweeping stroke made with a knife or sword.

Usage examples:

The man took a mighty slash at his head with a large sword

An oblique stroke (/) in print or writing, used between alternatives (e.g. and/or), in fractions (e.g. 3/4), in ratios (e.g. miles/day), or between separate elements of a text.

Usage examples:

Sentence breaks are highlighted by slashes

An oblique stroke (/) in print or writing, used between alternatives (e.g. and/or ), in fractions (e.g. 3/4 ), in ratios (e.g. miles/day ), or between separate elements of a text.

Usage examples:

Sentence breaks are highlighted by slashes

An act of urinating.

Usage examples:

Gary went upstairs for a slash

Debris resulting from the felling or destruction of trees.

Usage examples:

The mountainsides were strewn with slash

Used to link alternatives or words denoting or describing a dual (or multiple) function or nature.

Usage examples:

A fashionable theatre-slash-bar-slash-restaurant

A tract of swampy ground, especially in a coastal region.


Cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete


To reduce an amount by a lot

Usage examples:

Airfares have been slashed on most domestic routes., [ i ] arauz slashed through brush with a mache…

To reduce the number or level of something by a large amount suddenly

Usage examples:

American businesses slashed 200,000 jobs in september., slash prices/costs/rates, slash sth from st…

Slash translation into English

Slash: translate from English into Chinese

Translate slash into Chinese (Simplified)}
削减, 砍, 割伤, 乱砍, 剌, 剸, 砍击, 砍痕, 砍口

Slash: translate from English into Dutch

Translate slash into Dutch}
Schuine streep, Snijden, Hakken, Slaan, Japen, Houwen, Slag, Afkraken, Jaap, Houw, Snee, Splitsen, Een jaap geven, Om zich heen slaan, Ranselen, Ongenadig kritiseren, Afmaken, Veeg, Mouwsplit

Slash: translate from English into French

Translate slash into French}
Sabrer, Couper, Taillader, Réduire radicalement, Casser, Frapper, Entailler, Balafrer, Écraser, Cingler, Démolir, Balafre, Donner des coups, Crevé, Blesser, Frayer, Bourbier, Faire des crevés, Aller pisser

Slash: translate from English into German

Translate slash into German}
Schrägstrich, Hieb, Schlagen, Aufschlitzen, Schnitt, Zerfetzen, Hauen, Schlitz, Strich, Streich, Zusammenstreichen, Abhauen, Radikal herabsetzen, Piss, Mit schlitzen versehen

Slash: translate from English into Hindi

Translate slash into Hindi}
स्लैश, कड़ी आलोचना करना, चीर देना, पीटना, छोटा करना, तेज़ी मार, अल्पीकरण, लंबी फाँक, चीरा, काटा हुआ जंगल, दलदली स्थान, जख़म का निशान, तिर्यक

Slash: translate from English into Italian

Translate slash into Italian}
Barra, Taglio, Squarciare, Sfregio, Sfregiare, Ridurre fortemente, Spacco, Spaccare, Frustare, Palude

Slash: translate from English into Korean

Translate slash into Korean}
삭감, 사선, 베다, 일격, 깊은 상처, 방어용 울짱, 방뇨, 깊이 베다, 닥치는 대로 마구 베다, 의복의 터진 곳, 속옷이 보이게 길게 터놓다, 채찍으로 갈기다, 대폭적으로 인하하다, 대폭적으로 삭감하다, 혹평하다, 삭제하다, 돌진하다

Slash: translate from English into Russian

Translate slash into Russian}
Косая черта, Хлестать, Сокращать, Сокращение, Снижение, Снижать, Рубить, Разрез, Полоснуть, Искромсать, Порезать, Полосовать, Вырубка, Косить, Делать разрезы, Резкий удар, Резко критиковать, Удар сплеча, Глубокая рана, Прорезь, Болотистое место, Срезать

Slash: translate from English into Spanish

Translate slash into Spanish}
Barra oblicua, Cuchillada, Acuchillar, Atacar, Cortada, Machacar, Cortadura, Tirar tajos

Word origin

mid 17th century: of uncertain origin.

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