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The meaning of Pond


Pond – definition


A small body of still water formed naturally or by artificial means.

Usage examples:

A garden pond

Hold back or dam up (flowing water or another liquid) to form a pond.

Usage examples:

The lava can't flow away and gets ponded up in the crater

A still area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made

Pond translation into English

Pond: translate from English into Chinese

Translate pond into Chinese (Simplified)}
池塘, 池, 塘, 水池, 池子, 溏, 潭, 池沼, 潢, 荡, 潴, 筑成池塘

Pond: translate from English into Dutch

Translate pond into Dutch}
Vijver, Waterplas, Plas, Kolk, Plas vormen, Afdammen

Pond: translate from English into French

Translate pond into French}
Étang, Bassin, Mare

Pond: translate from English into German

Translate pond into German}
Teich, Weiher, See, Becken, Tümpel, Bassin, Stoßen

Pond: translate from English into Hindi

Translate pond into Hindi}
तालाब, सागर, पोखरा, बाँध से पानी रोकना, बाँधना, तालाब बनाना, पोखरा बनाना, समुद्र, छोटा तालाब, कुण्ड, पोखर, तलैया, ताल

Pond: translate from English into Italian

Translate pond into Italian}
Stagno, Laghetto

Pond: translate from English into Korean

Translate pond into Korean}
연못, 못, 막다, 물이 괴어 늪이 되다, 물이 괴어 못이 되다, 늪이 되다, 못이 되다, 물줄기를 막다

Pond: translate from English into Russian

Translate pond into Russian}
Пруд, Водоем, Бассейн, Запруда, Садок, Океан, Образовывать пруд, Запруживать, Море

Pond: translate from English into Spanish

Translate pond into Spanish}
Estanque, Charca, Balsa, Vivero

Word origin

Middle English: alteration of pound3, commonly used in dialect in the same sense.

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