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The meaning of Peal

Peal – definition


A loud ringing of a bell or bells.

Usage examples:

The bell rang again, a long, loud peal

A loud repeated or reverberating sound of thunder or laughter.

Usage examples:

Ross burst into peals of laughter

(of a bell or bells) ring loudly or in a peal.

Usage examples:

All the bells of the city began to peal

To sound loudly

Usage examples:

The bells pealed from the town hall tower., a peal of thunder woke him up.

Peal translation into English

Peal: translate from English into Chinese

Translate peal into Chinese (Simplified)}
声音, 隆隆声

Peal: translate from English into Dutch

Translate peal into Dutch}
Peel, Beieren, Slag, Klokkenspel, Donderslag, Klinken, Doen klinken, Galmen, Rollen, Gesachter, Gerommel, Gelui van klokken, Aflopen, Kleppen, Weergalmen

Peal: translate from English into French

Translate peal into French}
Carillonner, Sonner, Gronder, Tinter, Faire tinter, Ronfler, Bombarder

Peal: translate from English into German

Translate peal into German}
Läuten, Glockenspiel, Glockengeläut, Glockenläuten, Glockengeläute, Dröhnen, Erschallen, Grollen

Peal: translate from English into Hindi

Translate peal into Hindi}
गड़गड़ाहट, गरज, गड़गड़ाहट का शब्द, खनखनाहट, झनझन, गड़गड़ाना, गरजना, झनझनाना, बजाना, चिल्लाना, शोरगुल के साथ हमला करना

Peal: translate from English into Italian

Translate peal into Italian}
Scroccare, Scroscio, Scampanio, Scoppio, Rombo, Scampanare, Risuonare a distesa, Tuonare

Peal: translate from English into Korean

Translate peal into Korean}
울림, 울려 퍼지게 하다, 우렁차게 울려 퍼지게 하다, 울려 퍼지다, 종 따위의 울림, 천둥 따위의 울림, 대포 따위의 울림, 한 벌의 종, 음악적으로 가락을 맞춘 한 벌의 종

Peal: translate from English into Russian

Translate peal into Russian}
Раскат, Трезвон, Звон колоколов, Грохот, Раскат грома, Возвещать трезвоном, Подбор колоколов, Трезвонить, Раздаваться, Греметь

Peal: translate from English into Spanish

Translate peal into Spanish}
Repique, Repicar, Estruendo, Sonido, Retumbar, Repiquetear, Resonar con

Word origin

late Middle English: shortening of appeal.

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