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The meaning of Lavish

Lavish – definition


Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

Usage examples:

A lavish banquet

Bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on.

Usage examples:

The media couldn't lavish enough praise on the film

Spending, giving, or using more than is necessary or reasonable; more than enough

Usage examples:

The team has the most lavish training facility in the league., they live in a lavishly furnished ap…

Lavish translation into English

Lavish: translate from English into Chinese

Translate lavish into Chinese (Simplified)}
奢华的, 丰盛, 滥用, 丰, 吹捧, 丰富的, 阔气的, 过度的

Lavish: translate from English into Dutch

Translate lavish into Dutch}
Royaal, Kwistig, Verkwisten, Verspillen, Verkwistend, Kwistig geven, Kwistig zijn met

Lavish: translate from English into French

Translate lavish into French}
Somptueux, Prodiguer, Copieux, Luxueux, Généreux

Lavish: translate from English into German

Translate lavish into German}
Verschwenderisch, Aufwendig, Großzügig, Üppig, Aufwändig, Reich, Opulent, Fürstlich, Überreich, Überschwänglich, Nobel, Feudal

Lavish: translate from English into Hindi

Translate lavish into Hindi}
लविश, उदार, अपव्ययी, प्रचुर, अतिव्ययी, खर्चीला, खर्च करना, मुक्तहस्त

Lavish: translate from English into Italian

Translate lavish into Italian}
Sontuoso, Profondere, Prodigare, Prodigo, Lauto, Generoso, Eccessivo, Liberale, Sperperare

Lavish: translate from English into Korean

Translate lavish into Korean}
호화로운, 풍부한, 아낌없는, 아낌없이 주다, 선뜻 주다, 낭비벽이 있는

Lavish: translate from English into Russian

Translate lavish into Russian}
Щедрый, Расточать, Расточительный, Обильный, Чрезмерный, Быть щедрым

Lavish: translate from English into Spanish

Translate lavish into Spanish}
Prodigar, Lujoso, Pródigo, Espléndido, Abundante, Profuso, Liberal, Rajón, Larguero, Poner la máxima

Word origin

late Middle English (as a noun denoting profusion): from Old French lavasse ‘deluge of rain’, from laver ‘to wash’, from Latin lavare .

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