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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Jeer

Jeer – definition


Make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

Usage examples:

Some of the younger men jeered at him

Laugh at with contempt and derision


To laugh or shout insults at someone; to ridicule

Usage examples:

[ i ] striking workers jeered at those who crossed the picket line., we were surprised to hear jeer…

Jeer translation into English

Jeer: translate from English into Chinese

Translate jeer into Chinese (Simplified)}
嘲笑, 咻, 讥笑, 起哄, 嗤, 嘲, 嗤笑, 寻开心, 谯, 诮, 嘲弄

Jeer: translate from English into Dutch

Translate jeer into Dutch}
Jeer, Spotten, Honen, Schimpen, Hoon, Spotternij, Spotlach, Spotlachen

Jeer: translate from English into French

Translate jeer into French}
Railler, Raillerie, Conspuer, Sarcasme, Persifler

Jeer: translate from English into German

Translate jeer into German}
Hohn, Höhnen, Johlen, Verspottung, Buhruf, Höhnische bemerkung, Hochgelächter, Buhen, Höhnische bemerkungen machen, Höhnisch lachen

Jeer: translate from English into Hindi

Translate jeer into Hindi}
मज़ाक उड़ाना, मज़ाक, चिढ़ाना, ताना मारना, चुटकी लेना

Jeer: translate from English into Italian

Translate jeer into Italian}
Schernire, Beffa, Deridere, Scherno, Beffarsi, Prendersi gioco, Derisione

Jeer: translate from English into Korean

Translate jeer into Korean}
조롱, 조롱하다, 희롱하다

Jeer: translate from English into Russian

Translate jeer into Russian}
Издеваться, Насмешка, Глумиться, Насмехаться, Высмеивать, Глумление, Презрительная насмешка, Колкость, Гардель, Язвительное замечание, Зло подшучивать

Jeer: translate from English into Spanish

Translate jeer into Spanish}
Burla, Abuchear, Mofarse de, Mofa, Abucheo, Befa, Escarnio, Insulto, Escarnecer, Befar, Grito de protesta, Prorrumpir en gritos, Prorrumpir en befas, Gritar con protesta, Gritar con sarcasmo, Llenar de insultos, Fisgar, Mofar, Dicterio, Protesta, Grito de sarcasmo

Word origin

mid 16th century: of unknown origin.

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