Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Identifies

Identifies – definition


Establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is.

Usage examples:

The judge ordered that the girl should not be identified

Associate someone or something closely with; regard as having strong links with.

Usage examples:

He was equivocal about being identified too closely with the peace movement

To recognize or be able to name someone or something, or to prove who or what someone or something is

Usage examples:

Small babies can identify their mothers., the police officer refused to identify himself.

To find and be able to describe someone or something

Usage examples:

Identify what/which/who to create an effective advertising campaign you must first identify who you…

Identifies translation into English

Identifies: translate from English into Chinese

Translate identifies into Chinese (Simplified)}

Identifies: translate from English into Dutch

Translate identifies into Dutch}

Identifies: translate from English into French

Translate identifies into French}

Identifies: translate from English into German

Translate identifies into German}

Identifies: translate from English into Hindi

Translate identifies into Hindi}

Identifies: translate from English into Italian

Translate identifies into Italian}

Identifies: translate from English into Korean

Translate identifies into Korean}

Identifies: translate from English into Russian

Translate identifies into Russian}

Identifies: translate from English into Spanish

Translate identifies into Spanish}

Word origin

mid 17th century (in the sense ‘treat as being identical with’): from medieval Latin identificare, from late Latin identitas (see identity) + Latin -ficare (from facere ‘make’).

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Identifies – similar words

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