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The meaning of Flamboyant


Flamboyant – definition


(of a person or their behaviour) tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.

Usage examples:

The band's flamboyant lead singer

Of or denoting a style of french gothic architecture marked by wavy flame-like tracery and ornate decoration.

Usage examples:

To house his accumulation of art and curiosities he bought the hôtel of the abbots of cluny that ha…

A madagascan tree with bright red flowers and leaves composed of numerous leaflets, planted as a street tree in the tropics.

Usage examples:

They're over now and it seems to be the turn of exotics; bauhinias are out and flamboyants will be …

Flamboyant translation into English

Flamboyant: translate from English into Chinese

Translate flamboyant into Chinese (Simplified)}
龙飞凤舞, 华丽的

Flamboyant: translate from English into Dutch

Translate flamboyant into Dutch}
Flamboyant, Kleurrijk

Flamboyant: translate from English into French

Translate flamboyant into French}
Flamboyant, Éclatant

Flamboyant: translate from English into German

Translate flamboyant into German}
Extravagant, Flamboyant, Flammend

Flamboyant: translate from English into Hindi

Translate flamboyant into Hindi}
चमकीला, उज्ज्वल, चटकीला, ज्वाला के रंग के फूल, भड़कीले रंग वाला, अतिरंजित

Flamboyant: translate from English into Italian

Translate flamboyant into Italian}
Sgargiante, Fiammeggiante

Flamboyant: translate from English into Korean

Translate flamboyant into Korean}
화려한, 플랑브와 양 양식의, 불타오르는 듯한

Flamboyant: translate from English into Russian

Translate flamboyant into Russian}
Яркий, Цветистый, Пышный, Пламенеющий, Чрезмерно пышный, Огненно-красный цветок

Flamboyant: translate from English into Spanish

Translate flamboyant into Spanish}
Extravagante, Llamativo, Vistoso, Rimbombante

Word origin

late 19th century: probably a noun use of the French adjective flamboyant ‘blazing’ (see flamboyant1).

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Flamboyant – similar words

Flamboyant synonims

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