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The meaning of Defaces


Defaces – definition


Spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example by drawing or writing on it.

Usage examples:

He defaced library books

To intentionally spoil the appearance of something by writing on or marking it

Usage examples:

They used spray paint to deface the sign.

Defaces translation into English

Defaces: translate from English into Chinese

Translate defaces into Chinese (Simplified)}

Defaces: translate from English into Dutch

Translate defaces into Dutch}
Onleesbaar, Beschadigen, Schenden, Bekrassen, Uitwissen, Doorhalen, Beschrijven

Defaces: translate from English into French

Translate defaces into French}
Défigure, Rendre illisible, Effacer, Barbouiller

Defaces: translate from English into German

Translate defaces into German}
Entstellt, Verunstalten, Beschädigen, Unleserlich machen

Defaces: translate from English into Hindi

Translate defaces into Hindi}
ख़राब करना, बदनाम करना, कलंकित करना, ग़लत मानी लेना, हानि पहुंच देना, बिगाड़ना, बिगाड़ देना, बिगाड़ करना, नुक़सान पहुंचाना, ख़राब करना, तोड़ना-मरोड़ना

Defaces: translate from English into Italian

Translate defaces into Italian}
Deturpa, Deturpare, Sfigurare, Sfregiare, Mutilare

Defaces: translate from English into Korean

Translate defaces into Korean}
훼손하다, 외관을 더럽히다, 마손시켜 잘 보이지 않게 하다

Defaces: translate from English into Russian

Translate defaces into Russian}
Портит, Портить, Искажать, Стирать, Уродовать, Коверкать, Обезображивать, Дискредитировать, Делать неудобочитаемым

Defaces: translate from English into Spanish

Translate defaces into Spanish}
Desfigura, Desfigurar, Mutilar, Hacer una mutilación

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French desfacier, from des- (expressing removal) + face ‘face’.

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