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The meaning of Cricked


Cricked – definition


(of the neck or back) painfully stiff from being twisted or strained.

Usage examples:

He suffered a cricked neck during tackling practice

Twist or strain (one's neck or back), causing painful stiffness.

Usage examples:

I turned my head so quickly that i cricked my neck

Past simple and past participle of crick

Usage examples:

I cricked my neck while i was painting the ceiling., i think i may have cricked my neck a little bit.

To twist the muscles in the neck or back, causing painful stiffness

Usage examples:

I cricked my neck while i was painting the ceiling., i think i may have cricked my neck a little bit.

Cricked translation into English

Cricked: translate from English into Chinese

Translate cricked into Chinese (Simplified)}

Cricked: translate from English into Dutch

Translate cricked into Dutch}
Gekraakt, Uitstrekken

Cricked: translate from English into French

Translate cricked into French}

Cricked: translate from English into German

Translate cricked into German}
Geknackt, Verrenken, Verdrehen

Cricked: translate from English into Hindi

Translate cricked into Hindi}

Cricked: translate from English into Italian

Translate cricked into Italian}

Cricked: translate from English into Korean

Translate cricked into Korean}
긁힌, ...에 경련을 일으키다

Cricked: translate from English into Russian

Translate cricked into Russian}
Треснувший, Растянуть мышцу

Cricked: translate from English into Spanish

Translate cricked into Spanish}
Torcido, Darse una tortícolis

Word origin

late Middle English: of unknown origin.

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