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The meaning of Crash

Crash – definition


(of a vehicle) collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle.

Usage examples:

A racing car had crashed, wrecking a safety barrier

Move or cause to move with force, speed, and sudden loud noise.

Usage examples:

Huge waves crashed down on to us

(of a computer, computing system, or software) fail suddenly.

Usage examples:

The project was postponed because the computer crashed

Enter (a party) without an invitation; gatecrash.

Usage examples:

Grounded for the evening, the two sisters sneak out and decide to crash a party.

Go to sleep, especially suddenly or in an improvised setting.

Usage examples:

What was it you said just before i crashed out ?

A sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting another object.

Usage examples:

He slammed the phone down with a crash

A sudden disastrous drop in the value or price of something.

Usage examples:

The 1987 stock-market crash

A sudden failure which puts a computer system out of action.

Usage examples:

System crashes are an everyday hazard

Done rapidly or urgently and involving a concentrated effort.

Usage examples:

A crash course in italian

With a sudden loud sound.

Usage examples:

Crash went the bolt

A coarse plain linen, woollen, or cotton fabric.


Break violently or noisily

Crash translation into English

Crash: translate from English into Chinese

Translate crash into Chinese (Simplified)}
碰撞, 紧急, 意外, 祸, 摔伤, 欻, 摔坏, 轰隆声, 轰隆声地

Crash: translate from English into Dutch

Translate crash into Dutch}
Botsing, Neerstorting, Verpletteren, Neerstorten, Val, Krach, Ineenstorting, Gekraak, Verongelukken, Breken, Geraas, Kraken, Verbrijzelen, Te pletter vallen, Vliegongeluk, Neerslaan, Barsten, Geratel, Zware slag, Groot bankroet, Vermorzelen, Krakend ineenstorten, Ratelen, Failliet gaan

Crash: translate from English into French

Translate crash into French}
Crash, Fracas, Effondrement, Faillite, Faire faillite, Caramboler, Se percuter, Grosse toile, Faire fendre, Faire beaucoup de bruit, Resquiller, S'écraser, S'effondrer

Crash: translate from English into German

Translate crash into German}
Absturz, Abstürzen, Unfall, Krach, Zusammenbrechen, Zusammenbruch, Zusammenstoß, Krachen, Prallen, Verunglücken, Aufschlagen, Aufschlag, Anprallen, Poltern, Karambolage, Pofen, Zusammenfahren, Pleite machen, Plauz, Karambolieren, Klacken, Bellen

Crash: translate from English into Hindi

Translate crash into Hindi}
टकरा जाना, टक्कर, धमाका, धमाके के साथ पतन, धमाका करना, टकराना, गिराकर ध्वस्त करना, धमाके के साथ गिरना, धमाके के साथ ध्वस्त होना, गिरकर टूट जाना, सहसा गिरावट होना, ध्वंस, सत्यानाश

Crash: translate from English into Italian

Translate crash into Italian}
Incidente, Schianto, Crollo, Caduta, Urto, Crollare, Scontro, Disastro, Precipitare, Collisione, Fragore, Scontrarsi, Rompere, Fracasso, Rovinare, Scoppio, Fracassare, Schiantar al suolo, Cadere rumorosamente, Maciullare, Fare a pezzi

Crash: translate from English into Korean

Translate crash into Korean}
크래시, 추락, 고장, 파괴, 쾅, 와르르, 쿵, 무너짐, 거친 아마포, 와르르 부수다, 밀고 들어가다, 와지끈 부서지다, 산산이 무너지다, 와르르 무너지다, 실패하다, 와해하다, 파손되다, 숙박하다, 갑자기 기능을 멈추다, ...을 달리다, 파괴하다, 파손하다

Crash: translate from English into Russian

Translate crash into Russian}
Крушение, Крах, Авария, Интенсивный, Грохот, Треск, Поломка, Аварийный, Разбивать, С грохотом, Банкротство, Падать, Разбиваться, Терпеть крах, С треском, Падать с грохотом, Рушиться с треском, Грянуть, Суровое полотно, Грохнуться, Рушиться с грохотом, Сильный удар при падении, Сильный удар при столкновении, Холст, Неотложный, Срочный, Валиться, Разрушать, Вызывать аварию, Разбиваться при падении, Терпеть аварию, Попадать в аварию, Потерпеть крушение, Грохотать, Проникнуть 'зайцем'

Crash: translate from English into Spanish

Translate crash into Spanish}
Choque, Estrellarse, Chocar, Estrépito, Quiebra, Estruendo, Estallido, Estampido, Entrar de rondón, Encontrarse

Word origin

early 19th century: from Russian krashenina ‘dyed coarse linen’.

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