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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Constrain


Constrain – definition


Compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action.

Usage examples:

Children are constrained to work in the way the book dictates

To limit someone's freedom, or to limit the way something develops or grows

Usage examples:

Rising energy costs are constraining consumer and business spending.

Constrain translation into English

Constrain: translate from English into Chinese

Translate constrain into Chinese (Simplified)}
约束, 压抑, 拘束, 压迫, 逼, 逼迫, 逼勒

Constrain: translate from English into Dutch

Translate constrain into Dutch}
Beperken, Dwingen, Noodzaken, Opsluiten, Bedwingen, Nopen, Beheersen, Gevangen houden

Constrain: translate from English into French

Translate constrain into French}
Contraindre, Restreindre, Forcer, Obliger

Constrain: translate from English into German

Translate constrain into German}
Beschränken, Zwingen

Constrain: translate from English into Hindi

Translate constrain into Hindi}
विवश, विवश करना, मजबूर करना, जकड़ना, बाध्य करना

Constrain: translate from English into Italian

Translate constrain into Italian}
Vincolare, Costringere, Forzare, Obbligare

Constrain: translate from English into Korean

Translate constrain into Korean}
억누르다, 억지로 ...시키다

Constrain: translate from English into Russian

Translate constrain into Russian}
Ограничивать, Сдерживать, Стеснять, Принуждать, Вынуждать, Сжимать, Заключать в тюрьму

Constrain: translate from English into Spanish

Translate constrain into Spanish}
Constreñir, Obligar, Restringir a, Apretar

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French constraindre, from Latin constringere ‘bind tightly together’.

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Constrain – similar words

Constrain synonims

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