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The meaning of Confuse


Confuse – definition


Make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.

Usage examples:

Past and present blurred together, confusing her still further

To cause someone to feel uncertain or unclear, or to make something difficult to understand

Usage examples:

You’re confusing me – please repeat the directions more slowly., you’re confusing me with my sister…

Confuse translation into English

Confuse: translate from English into Chinese

Translate confuse into Chinese (Simplified)}
迷惑, 混同, 搞乱, 搅乱, 混, 乱, 惑, 慁, 惊讶, 绕, 曜, 隳刺

Confuse: translate from English into Dutch

Translate confuse into Dutch}
Verwarren, Verbijsteren, Dooreenhalen, Van zijn stuk brengen, Staan verwarren, Beschaamd doen

Confuse: translate from English into French

Translate confuse into French}
Embrouiller, Brouiller, Embarrasser, Déboussoler, Tournebouler, Embarbouiller

Confuse: translate from English into German

Translate confuse into German}
Verwechseln, Verwirren, Irritieren, Durcheinander bringen, Vermengen, Irremachen, Durcheinander werfen, Konfus machen

Confuse: translate from English into Hindi

Translate confuse into Hindi}
भ्रमित, घबराना, अव्यवस्थित करना, घबड़ाना, भरमाना, अस्तव्यस्त करना, भ्रमित करना

Confuse: translate from English into Italian

Translate confuse into Italian}
Confuso, Confondere, Disorientare, Mescolare, Ingarbugliare, Sconcertare, Scompigliare, Intricare

Confuse: translate from English into Korean

Translate confuse into Korean}
혼란시키다, 휘두르다, 혼란하다, 혼동하다, 어리둥절하게 하다

Confuse: translate from English into Russian

Translate confuse into Russian}
Путать, Смешивать, Смущать, Сбивать с толку, Спутывать, Создавать путаницу, Приводить в замешательство, Приводить в беспорядок, Помрачать сознание

Confuse: translate from English into Spanish

Translate confuse into Spanish}
Confundir, Aturdir, Enredar, Desconcertar, Oscurecer, Enmarañar

Word origin

Middle English (in the sense ‘rout, bring to ruin’): from Old French confus, from Latin confusus, past participle of confundere ‘mingle together’ (see confound). Originally all senses of the

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