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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Breach


Breach – definition


An act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.

Usage examples:

A breach of confidence

A gap in a wall, barrier, or defence, especially one made by an attacking army.

Usage examples:

A breach in the mountain wall

Make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).

Usage examples:

The river breached its bank

(of a whale) rise and break through the surface of the water.

Usage examples:

We saw whales breaching in the distance

Breach translation into English

Breach: translate from English into Chinese

Translate breach into Chinese (Simplified)}
违反, 突破口, 裂口, 冲破, 缺口, 决口, 打进

Breach: translate from English into Dutch

Translate breach into Dutch}
Inbreuk, Schending, Overtreding, Breuk, Doorbreken, Bres, Bres slaan, Bres slaan in, Stortzee

Breach: translate from English into French

Translate breach into French}
Violation, Manquement, Infraction, Violer, Brèche, Faire un trou, Sauter hors de l'eau

Breach: translate from English into German

Translate breach into German}
Bruch, Verletzung, Verstoß, Verletzen, Bresche, Durchbruch, Lücke, Durchbrechen, Übertretung, Anzapfen

Breach: translate from English into Hindi

Translate breach into Hindi}
उल्लंघन करना, उल्लंघन, भंग, दरार, अतिक्रमण, भंजन, विच्छेद

Breach: translate from English into Italian

Translate breach into Italian}
Violazione, Breccia, Infrazione, Rottura, Rompere, Aprire una breccia in

Breach: translate from English into Korean

Translate breach into Korean}
위반, 물 위로 뛰어 오름, 절교, 갈라진 틈, 부서지는 파도

Breach: translate from English into Russian

Translate breach into Russian}
Нарушение, Нарушать, Брешь, Разрыв, Проламывать, Пролом, Пробивать брешь, Ссора, Отверстие, Интервал, Выскочить из воды, Разрыв отношений, Волны, разбивающиеся о корабль

Breach: translate from English into Spanish

Translate breach into Spanish}
Incumplimiento, Violación, Infracción, Violar, Brecha, Ruptura, Abrir una brecha, Rompimiento, Infringir a, Desgarramiento

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French breche, ultimately of Germanic origin; related to break1.

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