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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Gap

Gap – definition


A break or hole in an object or between two objects.

Usage examples:

He peeped through the gap in the curtains

A space or interval; a break in continuity.

Usage examples:

There are many gaps in our understanding of what happened

A break or space in an object or between two objects.

Usage examples:

He peeped through the gap in the curtains

An empty space or opening in the middle of something or between two things

Usage examples:

Picking up speed, she closed the gap between them., she has a gap between her front teeth., after a…

A difference between two numbers, amounts, or levels

Usage examples:

Forecasters are predicting a budget gap of nearly $17 bn next year., there is a $40 million shortfa…

Gap translation into English

Gap: translate from English into Chinese

Translate gap into Chinese (Simplified)}
差距, 间隙, 缺口, 间隔, 裂口, 隔阂, 间断, 突破口, 空白点

Gap: translate from English into Dutch

Translate gap into Dutch}
Gat, Kloof, Opening, Hiaat, Leemte, Lacune, Bres, Gaping, Poort, Schaard

Gap: translate from English into French

Translate gap into French}
Écart, Intervalle, Lacune, Déficit, Vide, Interstice, Décalage, Trou, Brèche, Ouverture, Interruption, Insuffisance, Trouée, Béance, Trou béant, Faire une lacune, Regard ébahi

Gap: translate from English into German

Translate gap into German}
Lücke, Spalt, Kluft, Abstand, Zwischenraum, Spalte, Fuge, Loch, Unterbrechung, Bresche, Riss, Ritze, Pforte, Zwischenzeit, Schlupfloch, Rinne

Gap: translate from English into Hindi

Translate gap into Hindi}
अंतर, गैप, अन्तर, अन्तराल, फ़ासला, अवकाश, रिक्ति

Gap: translate from English into Italian

Translate gap into Italian}
Spacco, Divario, Lacuna, Vuoto, Intervallo, Apertura, Varco, Salto, Breccia, Divergenza, Fenditura, Smagliatura

Gap: translate from English into Korean

Translate gap into Korean}
갭, 갈라진 틈, 큰 차이, 빈 곳, 산협, 터진 틈, 익간격

Gap: translate from English into Russian

Translate gap into Russian}
Зазор, Разрыв, Пробел, Промежуток, Щель, Отставание, Брешь, Дефицит, Интервал, Пропуск, Лакуна, Отверстие, Люфт, Пролом, Прорыв, Окно, Лазейка, Пустое место, Ущелье, Глубокое расхождение, Утрата, Глубокое ущелье, Горный проход, Щербина, Огрех

Gap: translate from English into Spanish

Translate gap into Spanish}
Brecha, Diferencia, Hueco, Espacio, Vacío, Laguna, Boquete, Intervalo, Desfase, Abertura, Disparidad, Desajuste, Margen, Resquicio, Claro, Solución, Omisión, Desfiladero, Hendedura, Distancia a caminar

Word origin

Middle English: from Old Norse, ‘chasm’; related to gape.

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