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The meaning of Boiled

Boiled – definition


(of food) cooked in boiling water or stock.

Usage examples:

Two boiled eggs

(with reference to a liquid) reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour.

Usage examples:

We asked people to boil their drinking water

(with reference to food) cook or be cooked by immersing in boiling water or stock.

Usage examples:

Boil the potatoes until well done

(of the sea or clouds) be turbulent and stormy.

Usage examples:

She stood gazing out of the lighthouse window as the sea boiled beneath her

Boiled translation into English

Boiled: translate from English into Chinese

Translate boiled into Chinese (Simplified)}
煮沸, 烧开过的

Boiled: translate from English into Dutch

Translate boiled into Dutch}

Boiled: translate from English into French

Translate boiled into French}
Bouilli, Formé

Boiled: translate from English into German

Translate boiled into German}

Boiled: translate from English into Hindi

Translate boiled into Hindi}
उबला हुआ, बॉइल्ड, उबला या उबाला हुआ

Boiled: translate from English into Italian

Translate boiled into Italian}
Bollito, Lesso

Boiled: translate from English into Korean

Translate boiled into Korean}
삶은 것, 끓은, 취한

Boiled: translate from English into Russian

Translate boiled into Russian}
Вареный, Отварной, Заварной, Кипяченый

Boiled: translate from English into Spanish

Translate boiled into Spanish}
Hervido, Cocido, Pasado por agua, Almidonado, Borracho

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French boillir, from Latin bullire ‘to bubble’, from bulla ‘bubble’.

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