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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Ashen

Ashen – definition


(of a person's face) very pale with shock, fear, or illness.

Usage examples:

Eleanor's ashen face

Of or resembling ashes.

Usage examples:

The ashen colour of the landscape

Made of timber from the ash tree.

Usage examples:

I slopped the stuff on and miraculously the ashen timbers of our bench and table suite turned slowl…

(of a person’s face) looking pale and gray from illness, shock, or fear

Ashen translation into English

Ashen: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ashen into Chinese (Simplified)}
铁青, 灰白, 苍, 灰色的, 苍白的

Ashen: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ashen into Dutch}
Asgrauw, Essen, Doodsbleek, Asblond

Ashen: translate from English into French

Translate ashen into French}
Cendré, Cendreux, Pâle

Ashen: translate from English into German

Translate ashen into German}
Aschfahl, Aschgrau, Grau, Kreidebleich

Ashen: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ashen into Hindi}
भस्मवर्ण, सून की लकड़ी का, ऐश का बना हुआ, ऐश-निर्मित, ऐश वृक्ष से संबंधित

Ashen: translate from English into Italian

Translate ashen into Italian}
Cenere, Cinereo, Livido, Di frassino

Ashen: translate from English into Korean

Translate ashen into Korean}
재의, 물푸레나무같은, 물푸레나무의

Ashen: translate from English into Russian

Translate ashen into Russian}
Пепельный, Пепельного цвета, Ясеневый, Из пепла, Мертвенно-бледный

Ashen: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ashen into Spanish}
Pálido, Cenizo, De fresno

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