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Worder Dictionary

English words starting with pse - page 2

Meanings of Pseudocosta:


A structure that resembles a costa or rib; especially (in a coral) a small projection from a septum into the interseptal space.

Meanings of Pseudocroup:


A disorder simulating croup; especially acute subglottic laryngitis.

Meanings of Pseudocubic:


Apparently cubic in morphology or crystal structure but not actually so; specifically designating a composite crystal in which the crystal structure simulates the symmetry of a single crystal of the cubic system but actually has lower symmetry.

Meanings of Pseudocubical:


= pseudocubic .

Meanings of Pseudocumene:


An isomer of cumene that is a colourless flammable liquid occurring in coal tar, and is irritating to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.

Meanings of Pseudocyesis:


Technical term for phantom pregnancy.

Meanings of Pseudocyphella:


(in certain lichens) a pore in the cortex of the thallus that resembles a cyphella but lacks its lining of specialized cells; usually in plural.



Meanings of Pseudocyst:


A fluid-filled cavity resembling a cyst but lacking a wall or lining.

Usage examples:

Thin walled pseudocysts bulging into the stomach or duodenum can be drained endoscopically, with su…

Meanings of Pseudodeltidium:


(in certain fossil brachiopods) a single flat or convex plate which occurs instead of a deltidium and does not always completely cover the space between the beak and the hinge.

Meanings of Pseudodementia:


A condition resembling dementia but from which the patient recovers (or may recover); (in later use) specifically that seen in depressed elderly patients.

Meanings of Pseudodiphtheria:


Designating the bacterium corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, which resembles the causal agent of diphtheria, c. diphtheriae, and is found in the nasopharynx of humans, but is non-pathogenic. chiefly in "pseudodiphtheria bacillus". compare pseudodiphtheritic .

Meanings of Pseudodipteral:


Of a temple or other building: having a single peristyle or surrounding row of columns, placed at the same distance from the walls as the outer of the two rows in the dipteros.

Meanings of Pseudodox:


A false or erroneous opinion, notion, or belief, especially one contrary to orthodox thinking.



Meanings of Pseudoephedrine:


A drug obtained from plants of the genus ephedra (or prepared synthetically) and used as a nasal decongestant.

Usage examples:

She said officers had found multiple packs of flu remedies containing pseudoephedrine in raids on d…

Meanings of Pseudogalena:



Meanings of Pseudogastrula:


A blastula which has undergone invagination prior to gastrulation; specifically (in certain calcareous sponges) one in which the archaeocytes of one hemisphere have become completely enclosed by flagellated cells of the other (before half of these lose their flagella to produce the amphiblastula).

Meanings of Pseudogeneric:


Falsely or spuriously generic; (botany and zoology) apparently but not really generic; having the character of a pseudogenus.

Meanings of Pseudogenus:


A spurious or invalid genus of plants or animals, such as one based on superficial similarities between unrelated species, or on forms (e.g. developmental stages) that have been mistakenly regarded as distinct. also: a name used for a group of hybrid forms, especially intergeneric hybrids.

Meanings of Pseudogenuses:


A spurious or invalid genus of plants or animals, such as one based on superficial similarities between unrelated species, or on forms (e.g. developmental stages) that have been mistakenly regarded as distinct. also: a name used for a group of hybrid forms, especially intergeneric hybrids.

Meanings of Pseudoglobulin:


A fraction of serum globulin that is soluble in pure water and in saline solutions of low ionic strength.

Meanings of Pseudograph:


A spurious writing; a literary work purporting to be by someone other than the true author, a forgery.

Meanings of Pseudographer:


A false or erroneous writer; especially a person who counterfeits another's writing, a forger.

Meanings of Pseudography:


Writing or a system of writing that is contrary to conventional orthography or usage; false, incorrect, or bad spelling or writing; an instance of this.

Meanings of Pseudogyne:


In various ants: a worker of a distinct form having an enlarged and malformed thorax.

Meanings of Pseudogynous:


Designating an animal which is female in form or has female characteristics but does not function reproductively as a female; (entomology) of or relating to a pseudogyne.

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