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Worder Dictionary

English words starting with as - page 2

Meanings of As-keen-as-mustard:


Very eager and interested in everything

Meanings of As-likely-as-not:



Usage examples:

As likely as not, she'll end up in court over this problem., in those days, a woman would as likely…

Meanings of As-luck-would-have-it:


By chance

Usage examples:

We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.

Meanings of As-new:


In very good condition again, after not working well

Usage examples:

Yaman fixed my computer, and now it’s good as new.

Meanings of As-normal:


As usual

Usage examples:

Carlo turned up without any money, as per usual.

Meanings of As-old-as-the-hills:


Very old

Usage examples:

My grandfather seemed as old as the hills to me.

Meanings of As-one:


To say that someone or something is a particular bad thing, usually when this is unfair

Usage examples:

He claims the report unfairly branded him as a bad credit risk., they will not hesitate to brand yo…

Meanings of As-opposed-to:


Rather than; instead of

Usage examples:

The box is made of plastic, as opposed to wood.

Meanings of As-plain-as-a-pikestaff:


→  be (as) plain as the nose on your face

Meanings of As-pleased-as-punch:


Very pleased

Usage examples:

She was as pleased as punch about the news.

Meanings of As-poor-a:


To be very poor

Usage examples:

They'll take one look at my clothes and know i'm as poor as a church mouse., when we first got marr…

Meanings of As-pure-as-the-driven-snow:


To be morally completely good

Usage examples:

How dare he criticize me for having an affair? he's not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.

Meanings of As-quickly-as-possible:


As much, quickly, soon, etc. as something can happen or be done

Usage examples:

Please take your seats as quickly as possible., i'll go as soon as possible., i'm looking for a hai…

Meanings of As-regards:


Fmlabout; relating to

Usage examples:

There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.

Meanings of As-right-as-rain:

To feel healthy or well again

Usage examples:

You just need a good night's sleep, and then you'll be right as rain again.

(of a person) feeling completely well or healthy, typically after an illness or minor accident.

Usage examples:

After three days it feels better and after a week you're right as rain

Meanings of As-soon-as-possible:


If you do something as soon as possible, you do it as quickly as you can

Usage examples:

We need the repairs done as soon as possible., you need to send off the document as soon as possibl…

Meanings of As-sound-as-a-bell:


To be very healthy or in very good condition

Meanings of As-straight-as-a-die:


Extremely straight

Usage examples:

The road runs (as) straight as a die for 50 or so miles., she's as straight as a die, i can trust h…

Meanings of As-stubborn-as-a-mule:


To be very stubborn

Meanings of As-thick-as-thieves:


To be very close friends and share secrets, etc.

Usage examples:

I'm sure she tells ruth everything we say - they're as thick as thieves, those two.

Meanings of As-usual:


In a way that often happens and is expected

Usage examples:

As usual, she was wearing jeans., dan got there late, as usual.

Meanings of As-well-as:


In addition; and also

Usage examples:

We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families.

Meanings of Asa:


Advertising standards authority.


Abbreviation for the advertising standards authority : an official organization in the uk that checks whether advertisements follow certain rules

Usage examples:

The asa tries to ensure that all ads supply correct information and do not mislead customers.

Meanings of Asafetida:


A fetid resinous gum obtained from the roots of a herbaceous plant, used in herbal medicine and indian cooking.

Usage examples:

A variety of flavoured saunf (fennel seeds), fruity breath-fresheners and indigenous indian spices …

Meanings of Asafoetida:


A fetid resinous gum obtained from the roots of a herbaceous plant, used in herbal medicine and indian cooking.

Usage examples:

A variety of flavoured saunf (fennel seeds), fruity breath-fresheners and indigenous indian spices …

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