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Worder Dictionary

English words starting with as



Meanings of As:


Used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something.

Usage examples:

Go as fast as you can

Used to indicate that something happens during the time when something else is taking place.

Usage examples:

Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd

Used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has.

Usage examples:

It came as a shock

An ancient roman copper coin.

Usage examples:

The asses and denarii minted by c. marcius censorinus show him in profile as a bearded and diademed…

Variant spelling of ad- assimilated before s (as in assemble, assess ).



The chemical element arsenic.

Meanings of As a matter of fact:


In reality or actuality



Usage examples:

"are you new around here?" "as a matter of fact, i’ve lived here for ten years."

As a result of


Meanings of As a result of:


Something that happens or exists because of something else

Usage examples:

The mayor says crime is lower as a result of good police work., a lot of people survived the crash …

Because of something

Usage examples:

Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales., as a result of the accident, he suf…

Meanings of As american as apple pie:


Typically american in character.

Usage examples:

They have made violence as american as apple pie

Considered very typical of the united states or of the people of the united states

Meanings of As deaf as a post:


Completely deaf

Usage examples:

Grandad's as deaf as a post.

Meanings of As far as:

Used to say that something has good qualities but could be better

Usage examples:

It's a good essay as far as it goes.

For as great a distance as.

Usage examples:

The river stretched away as far as he could see

Meanings of As far as i know:


At, to, or from a great distance in space or time

Usage examples:

One day, perhaps far in the future, you’ll regret what you’ve done., how far is it from los angeles…

Abbreviation for the federal acquisition regulation: the rules that the us government must follow when it buys goods and services


Used to say what you think is true, although you do not know all the facts

Usage examples:

He isn't coming today, as far as i know., as far as i know, there is no evidence to back up his cla…

Meanings of As fit as a fiddle:


In very good health.

Usage examples:

What keeps him youthful, healthy and fit as a fiddle?

To be very healthy and strong

Usage examples:

My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.

Meanings of As long as:



Usage examples:

You can have a dog as long as you promise to take care of it.

During the whole time that.

Usage examples:

They have been there as long as anyone can remember

Meanings of As safe as houses:


Very safe

Meanings of As soon as:

In the shortest possible time

Usage examples:

We’ll come as soon as we can.

Meanings of As such:


Using the exact meaning of the word or phrase

Usage examples:

There weren’t many vegetarian dishes as such, although there were several different kinds of cheese.

Meanings of As the crow flies:


By the shortest and most direct route


In a straight line.

Usage examples:

Easingwold was 22 miles away as the crow flies

Meanings of As to:


About; relating to

Usage examples:

I can’t answer questions as to how much money mr. mayer is being paid.

Meanings of As ugly as sin:


Very guilty, miserable, or ugly

Meanings of As well:


In addition


In addition; too.

Usage examples:

The museum provides hours of fun and a few surprises as well

In addition; and also

Usage examples:

We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families.

Meanings of As yet:


Used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time

Meanings of As-a-consequence:


As a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient

Usage examples:

As a consequence of the delay, we stand to lose at least two days' worth of income., wild bird numb…

Meanings of As-a-general-rule:



Usage examples:

As a general rule, we don’t allow children in here.

Meanings of As-a-last-resort:


If all other methods fail

Usage examples:

British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.

Meanings of As-a-matter-of-course:


If something is done as a matter of course, it is a usual part of the way in which things are done and is not special

Usage examples:

Safety precautions are observed as a matter of course.

Meanings of As-a-result:


Because of something

Usage examples:

Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales., as a result of the accident, he suf…

Meanings of As-a-rule:



Usage examples:

As a general rule, we don’t allow children in here.

Meanings of As-again:


The same amount again

Usage examples:

My fare was £10, and it was almost as much again for the children.

Meanings of As-blind-as-a-bat:


Unable to see well

Usage examples:

I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.

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