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Worder Dictionary

English words containing give:

Meanings of Argive:


Relating to the ancient city of argos.

Usage examples:

The argive king tantalus began a pattern of destruction for argos after he offended the gods by fee…

A citizen of argos.

Usage examples:

The athenian alliance with the argives, the boeotians and the corinthians against sparta in the cor…

Meanings of Be-given:


To do something regularly or as a habit

Usage examples:

She was given to staying in bed till lunchtime., she is friendly and given to easy laughter., neith…

Meanings of Caregiver:


Someone who provides for the needs of children or of people who are ill or cannot provide for their own needs

Meanings of Forgive:


Stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.

Usage examples:

I'll never forgive david for the way he treated her

Meanings of Forgiveness:


The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

Usage examples:

She is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line



Meanings of Forgivenesses:


The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

Usage examples:

She is quick to ask forgiveness when she has overstepped the line



Meanings of Forgives:


Stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.

Usage examples:

I'll never forgive david for the way he treated her

Meanings of Give a hoot:


Show no concern or interest; always used in the negative


Not care at all.

Usage examples:

She doesn't give a hoot what people think of her

Give and take

ˌɡɪv ən ˈteɪk

Meanings of Give and take:


A free exchange of ideas or opinions

Usage examples:

We were simply told what to do – there wasn’t any give-and-take., any successful negotiation involv…

Make concessions and compromises.

Usage examples:

Children learn how to give and take from such experiences

Meanings of Give back:

phrasal verb

Pay back

Meanings of Give birth:


Cause to be born


Bear a child or young.

Usage examples:

She gave birth to a son

Meanings of Give ear:


Give heed (to)

Give in


Meanings of Give in:

phrasal verb

Consent reluctantly

Meanings of Give it to:

phrasal verb

To finally agree to something that someone wants after first refusing

Usage examples:

If you want them to give in you'll have to offer them more than that., after months of resisting th…

Meanings of Give it up for:


Used to ask people to clap their hands to show their enjoyment or approval of a performance

Usage examples:

Ladies and gentlemen, will you give it up for danny jones., please give it up for a very talented y…

Meanings of Give it up to:

phrasal verb

To stop doing or to stop having something

Usage examples:

He gave up jogging after his heart attack., although behind in the chess match, he refused to give …

Give notice


Meanings of Give notice:


Inform (somebody) of something


To become aware of, esp. by looking; to see

Usage examples:

[ i ] mary waved but he didn’t seem to notice., [ + that clause ] he noticed that she was staring a…

A piece of written information on paper, a board, a website, etc.

Usage examples:

There was a notice about the proposed reorganization on all the office noticeboards., an inspection…

To ask someone who works for you to leave their job, usually after a particular period of time

Usage examples:

My boss gave me a month's notice., they gave me my notice yesterday., the law here requires employe…

Meanings of Give of:


To give your money, time, or best efforts, especially in a way that seems generous

Usage examples:

We're very grateful to all the people who have given of their time., uk she wasn't feeling well, so…

If you give an account of something that has happened, you describe it

Usage examples:

His lawyer gave an account of what happened that night., she gave a thrilling account of her life i…

Meanings of Give onto:

phrasal verb

To open in the direction of something

Usage examples:

The patio doors give onto a small courtyard.

Meanings of Give over!:

phrasal verb

Allow oneself to be taken over by an emotion or addiction.

Usage examples:

I gave myself over to the joy of gliding down a long ski run

Meanings of Give someone a hard time:


To make things difficult or unpleasant for someone

Usage examples:

Her kids always give her a hard time when she takes them shopping., my mother gave me a really hard…

Meanings of Give someone a piece of your mind:


Rebuke someone.

Usage examples:

Some youths were making a noise and she went out to give them a piece of her mind

To tell someone why you are angry with that person

Usage examples:

I’d like to give her a piece of my mind.

Meanings of Give someone a run for their money:


To be as good at something as someone who is extremely good

Usage examples:

He’ll give those professional players a run for their money.

Meanings of Give someone an earful:


Angry, complaining speech

Usage examples:

I’d better not be late for practice or the coach will give me an earful.

Meanings of Give someone the cold shoulder:


To intentionally ignore someone or treat someone in an unfriendly way

Usage examples:

I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave me the cold shoulder.

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