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English words containing gin:

Meanings of Aboriginal:


Inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous.

Usage examples:

The aboriginal populations in southeast asia

An aboriginal inhabitant of a place.

Usage examples:

Using the aboriginals' own oral histories, the developer proved that the site had been designated s…

Meanings of Aboriginality:


The distinctive culture of aboriginal peoples, especially those in australia.

Usage examples:

Their music reflects their aboriginality

Meanings of Aboriginally:


From the very beginning; from the origin of a people or culture; in the earliest times or conditions known to history.

Meanings of Aboriginals:


An aboriginal inhabitant of a place.

Usage examples:

Using the aboriginals' own oral histories, the developer proved that the site had been designated s…

Relating to the indigenous peoples of australia or their languages.

Usage examples:

She's been working with aboriginal people for the past 40 years

Meanings of Aboriginary:


Primordial; existing from or relating to the very beginning of time.

Meanings of Aborigine:


A person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.

Usage examples:

Most taiwanese and aborigines speak both a local language and the national language.

Meanings of Aborigines:


A person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.

Usage examples:

Most taiwanese and aborigines speak both a local language and the national language.

Meanings of Abridging:


Shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.

Usage examples:

The introduction is abridged from the author's afterword to the novel

Meanings of Absterging:


To wipe away; to wipe clean, cleanse.

Meanings of Acknowledging:


Accept or admit the existence or truth of.

Usage examples:

The plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities

Meanings of Adjudging:


Consider or declare to be true or the case.

Usage examples:

She was adjudged guilty

Meanings of Admarginate:


To add or note in the margin.

Meanings of Advantaging:


Put in a favourable or superior position.

Usage examples:

Are we simply caught in a spiral here that will be destructive of our interests while, obviously, s…

A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior position.

Usage examples:

Companies with a computerized database are at an advantage

Meanings of Aeginetan:


A native or inhabitant of the greek island of aegina.


Of or relating to aegina or its inhabitants.

Meanings of Aeruginous:


Of the nature or colour of verdigris; containing or characterized by basic copper carbonate; bluish-green.

Meanings of Agin:


Dialect form of against.

Meanings of Aging:


Grow old or older.

Usage examples:

The tiredness we feel as we age

The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.

Usage examples:

He died from a heart attack at the age of 51

The process of growing old.

Usage examples:

The external signs of ageing

Meanings of Aginner:


A person who is against something; one who opposes a proposal, course of action, point of view, etc. also more generally: a person having a habitually negative attitude; one who opposes any change as a matter of principle.

Meanings of Albugineous:


Designating a layer of dense white connective tissue, specifically the tunica albuginea of the testis, ovary, etc.

Meanings of Algin:


A mixture of alginic acid and its salts, occurring as a viscous gum in the cell walls of brown algae (seaweed) and certain bacteria; a commercially extracted form of this, used in various manufacturing processes.

Meanings of Alginate:


A salt of alginic acid.

Usage examples:

Similar compounds, with the same possible adverse effects, are ammonium alginate, sodium alginate, …

Meanings of Alginates:


A salt of alginic acid.

Usage examples:

Similar compounds, with the same possible adverse effects, are ammonium alginate, sodium alginate, …

Meanings of Algine:


A mixture of alginic acid and its salts, occurring as a viscous gum in the cell walls of brown algae (seaweed) and certain bacteria; a commercially extracted form of this, used in various manufacturing processes.

Meanings of Algins:


A mixture of alginic acid and its salts, occurring as a viscous gum in the cell walls of brown algae (seaweed) and certain bacteria; a commercially extracted form of this, used in various manufacturing processes.

Meanings of Alleging:


Claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.

Usage examples:

He alleged that he had been assaulted

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