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Worder Dictionary

English words containing gent:

Meanings of Abstergent:


Having a cleansing or abrading quality; cleansing, abrading (literal, especially with reference to the body, and figurative).


A cleansing or abrading agent, especially one used on the body.

Meanings of Agent:


A person who acts on behalf of another person or group.

Usage examples:

In the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her nephew to act as her agent

Meanings of Agent-provocateur:


A person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal, usually so that they can be arrested

Usage examples:

The movement had been widely infiltrated by agents provocateurs working for secret services., he is…

Meanings of Agentess:


A female agent.

Meanings of Agential:


Of, belonging, or relating to an agent or agency; that is or acts as an agent.

Meanings of Agenting:


The business or process of acting as an agent; the profession of an agent.

Meanings of Agentive:


Taking an active role; producing an effect.

Usage examples:

The programme envisions designers as agentive, social citizens

Meanings of Agentries:


The office or function of an agent; the activity or occupation of an agent or agency; the process or fact of being an agent.

Meanings of Agentry:


The office or function of an agent; the activity or occupation of an agent or agency; the process or fact of being an agent.

Meanings of Agents:


A person who acts on behalf of another person or group.

Usage examples:

In the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her nephew to act as her agent

Meanings of Agentship:


The position, role, or function of an agent; agency.

Meanings of Arctangent:


A mathematical function that is the inverse of the tangent function.

Meanings of Argent:


Silver; silvery white.

Usage examples:

The argent moon

Silver as a heraldic tincture.

Usage examples:

The dining-room of this old house is decorated with a coat of arms, chevrons, and bars rouge upon a…

Meanings of Argentiferous:


(of rocks or minerals) containing silver.

Usage examples:

He reported that most highly argentiferous galena required silver to have been coupled with bismuth…

Meanings of Argentina:

proper noun

A republic occupying much of the southern part of south america; population 43,400,000 (estimated 2015); official language, spanish; capital, buenos aires. also called the argentine /ˈɑːdʒənˌtʌɪn, ˈɑːdʒənˌtiːn/.


A country in south america

Meanings of Argentine:


Of or resembling silver.

Usage examples:

The argentine domes of our main course arrived

A small marine fish with a silvery sheen.

Usage examples:

A number of the deepwater species on the existing list, ling, argentines and greenland halibut have…

Meanings of Argentinean:


Relating to argentina or its people.


A native or inhabitant of argentina, or a person of argentine descent.

Meanings of Argentines:


A small marine fish with a silvery sheen.

Usage examples:

A number of the deepwater species on the existing list, ling, argentines and greenland halibut have…

Of or resembling silver.

Usage examples:

The argentine domes of our main course arrived

Meanings of Argentinian:


Relating to argentina or its people.


A native or inhabitant of argentina, or a person of argentine descent.

Meanings of Astringent:


Causing the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues.

Usage examples:

An astringent skin lotion

An astringent lotion applied to the skin to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions or as a cosmetic to make the skin less oily.

Usage examples:

Alcohol-based astringents and toners can make skin even drier.

Meanings of Astringently:


In a way that tastes or smells dry, sour, and slightly bitter

Usage examples:

The salad was astringently bitter., we snacked on astringently sour discs of white radish., she is …

Meanings of Astringents:


An astringent lotion applied to the skin to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions or as a cosmetic to make the skin less oily.

Usage examples:

Alcohol-based astringents and toners can make skin even drier.

Causing the contraction of skin cells and other body tissues.

Usage examples:

An astringent skin lotion

Meanings of Birefringent:


Having two different refractive indices.

Usage examples:

The model appeared to require that a gas of hydrogenic atoms would be magnetically birefringent, be…

Meanings of Contingent-on:


Depending on something else in the future in order to happen

Usage examples:

Outdoor activities are, as ever, contingent on the weather., our success is contingent upon your su…



Meanings of Contingently:


In a way that depends on something else in the future in order to happen

Usage examples:

If they default on their debt, our firm will become contingently liable., she argues that parents s…

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