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English words containing bon:

Meanings of Abondance:


A call undertaking to take nine or more tricks in solo whist.

Meanings of Abonne:


A person who subscribes to a periodical; a season-ticket holder at the theatre.

Meanings of Abonnement:


Chiefly in france and french-speaking countries: a subscription (for a newspaper, journal, etc.); a season ticket (to a theatre, ski resort, etc.).

Meanings of Aitchbone:


The buttock or rump bone of cattle.

Usage examples:

It also contains aitchbone and a fat covering on the outer muscle.

Meanings of Ambon:

proper noun

A mountainous island in eastern indonesia, one of the molucca islands.

Meanings of Ambones:


(in an early christian church) an oblong pulpit with steps at each end.

Usage examples:

Early christian churches had no pulpits other than the ambos where scriptures could be read.


ˌræɡ.əndˈbəʊn mæn

Meanings of And-bone:


In the past, a man who went round the streets of a town to buy old clothes, furniture, and other unwanted things cheaply

Meanings of Anklebone:


The chief bone of the ankle joint; the talus.

Meanings of Anklebones:


The chief bone of the ankle joint; the talus.

Meanings of As-dry-as-a-bone:


Extremely dry

Usage examples:

I don't think he's been watering these plants - the soil is as dry as a bone.

Meanings of Backbone:


The series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine.

Usage examples:

Prickles of sweat broke out along her backbone

Meanings of Backboned:


The series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine.

Usage examples:

Prickles of sweat broke out along her backbone

Meanings of Backbones:


The series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine.

Usage examples:

Prickles of sweat broke out along her backbone


ˌbeə ˈbəʊnz

Meanings of Bare-bones:


Used to describe an amount of money that is only just enough, or too little, for a particular purpose, or an arrangement that offers as little of something as possible

Usage examples:

This bare-bones budget is far short of the amount we need to maintain existing programs., the airli…

Meanings of Barebones:


Reduced to or comprising only the basic or essential elements of something.

Usage examples:

A bare-bones version of the story

Meanings of Beribboned:


Decorated with many ribbons.

Usage examples:

Beribboned straw hats

Meanings of Bicarbonate:


A salt containing the anion hco3−.

Meanings of Bicarbonates:


A salt containing the anion hco3−.

Meanings of Billabong:


A branch of a river forming a backwater or stagnant pool, made by water flowing from the main stream during a flood.

Usage examples:

The water level in the billabong was high, too high for fishing, said the old ladies.

Meanings of Bloodybones:


A bogeyman or bugbear, especially invoked to frighten children. frequently used in conjunction with rawhead.



Meanings of Bluebonnet:


A pale grey-brown australian parrot with a deep blue face and variously coloured wings, tail, and belly.

Meanings of Bluebonnets:


A pale grey-brown australian parrot with a deep blue face and variously coloured wings, tail, and belly.

Bon mot

ˌbɒn ˈməʊ

Meanings of Bon mot:


A witty or clever remark


A witty remark.

Usage examples:

He is laconically hilarious, hot in a blonde way, he can pass off a piece of dialogue as the wittie…

Meanings of Bon voyage:


Expression of goodwill at the start of a trip or new venture


Used to express good wishes to someone about to set off on a journey.

Usage examples:

Good luck and bon voyage!

Meanings of Bon-viveur:


A person who enjoys good food and wines and likes going to restaurants and parties

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