All English words - page 4372
Meanings of Possessionate:
adjectiveOf a cleric, religious order, etc.: having temporal possessions or endowments.
Meanings of Possessioned:
adjectiveEndowed with, having, or holding possessions; propertied.
Meanings of Possessioner:
nounSpecifically. a member of a religious order having temporal possessions or endowments; an endowed clergyman or ecclesiastic.
Meanings of Possessions:
nounThe state of having, owning, or controlling something.
Usage examples:
She had taken possession of the sofa
Meanings of Possessive:
adjectiveDemanding someone's total attention and love.
Usage examples:
Has he become jealous or possessive?
nounA possessive word or form.
Usage examples:
Prenominal possessives (john's car, my hat) normally function as definite expressions.
Meanings of Possessives:
nounA possessive word or form.
Usage examples:
Prenominal possessives (john's car, my hat) normally function as definite expressions.
adjectiveDemanding someone's total attention and love.
Usage examples:
Has he become jealous or possessive?
Meanings of Possessor:
nounA person who owns something or has a particular quality.
Usage examples:
His father was the possessor of a considerable fortune
Meanings of Possessorial:
adjectiveOf or relating to a possessor or owner; possessory.
Meanings of Possessors:
nounA person who owns something or has a particular quality.
Usage examples:
His father was the possessor of a considerable fortune
Meanings of Possessorship:
nounThe condition of a possessor; ownership.
Meanings of Posset:
nounA cold dessert made from thickened cream, typically flavoured with lemon.
Usage examples:
Lemon posset glazed with a sugar caramel
verb(of a baby) regurgitate curdled milk.
Usage examples:
Bless its little heart, it's possetting again
Meanings of Possets:
nounA cold dessert made from thickened cream, typically flavoured with lemon.
Usage examples:
Lemon posset glazed with a sugar caramel
verb(of a baby) regurgitate curdled milk.
Usage examples:
Bless its little heart, it's possetting again
Meanings of Possibilism:
nounBelief in or advocacy of moderate (rather than violent or revolutionary) policies aiming to bring about immediately practicable or feasible reforms; pragmatic reformism.
Meanings of Possibilist:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or supporting possibilism.
nounA supporter or advocate of policies aiming to bring about immediately practicable or feasible reforms; a pragmatic reformer.
Meanings of Possibilities:
nounA thing that may happen or be the case.
Usage examples:
Relegation remains a distinct possibility
Meanings of Possibility:
nounA thing that may happen or be the case.
Usage examples:
Relegation remains a distinct possibility
Meanings of Possible:
adjectiveAble to be done or achieved.
Usage examples:
Surely it's not possible for a man to live so long?
nounA potential candidate for a job or team.
Usage examples:
I have marked five possibles with an asterisk
Meanings of Possibleness:
nounThe fact of being possible; = "possibility".
Meanings of Possibles:
nounA potential candidate for a job or team.
Usage examples:
I have marked five possibles with an asterisk
adjectiveAble to be done or achieved.
Usage examples:
Surely it's not possible for a man to live so long?
Meanings of Possibly:
adverbPerhaps (used to indicate doubt or hesitancy).
Usage examples:
He found himself alone, possibly the only survivor
Meanings of Possie:
nounA place or position.
Usage examples:
The bridge will provide a good fishing possie
Meanings of Possies:
nounA place or position.
Usage examples:
The bridge will provide a good fishing possie
Meanings of Possum:
nounA tree-dwelling australasian marsupial that typically has a prehensile tail.
Usage examples:
It is what we, as carers of koalas, birds, possums, macropods (wallabies, kangaroos etc.) and other…
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