Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Wrangled


Wrangled – definition


Have a long, complicated dispute or argument.

Usage examples:

The bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print

Round up, herd, or take charge of (livestock).

Usage examples:

The horses were wrangled early

Wreathed; twisted.


Past simple and past participle of wrangle

Usage examples:

They had been wrangling with the authorities about/over parking spaces., the two companies are stil…

Wrangled translation into English

Wrangled: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wrangled into Chinese (Simplified)}
争吵, 争论, 扯皮, 吵闹, 胡搅, 吵架, 拌嘴, 吵, 放牧

Wrangled: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wrangled into Dutch}
Ruzie gemaakt, Kiften, Ruzie maken, Kibbelen, Kijven, Krakelen

Wrangled: translate from English into French

Translate wrangled into French}
Disputé, Se disputer, Se chamailler

Wrangled: translate from English into German

Translate wrangled into German}
Gezankt, Streiten, Rangeln, Feilschen, Sich zanken

Wrangled: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wrangled into Hindi}

Wrangled: translate from English into Italian

Translate wrangled into Italian}
Litigato, Disputare, Altercare

Wrangled: translate from English into Korean

Translate wrangled into Korean}
언쟁, 돌보다, 말다툼하다, 설복하다, 승강이하다

Wrangled: translate from English into Russian

Translate wrangled into Russian}
Пререкался, Спорить, Пререкаться, Пасти стадо, Пасти табун лошадей, Вздорить

Wrangled: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wrangled into Spanish}
Discutido, Reñir a, Reñir por

Word origin

late Middle English: compare with Low German wrangeln, frequentative of wrangen ‘to struggle’; related to wring.

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