Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Wood


Wood – definition


The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for fuel or timber.

Usage examples:

A block of wood

An area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees.

Usage examples:

A thick hedge divided the wood from the field

A hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees and can be used as a building material, for making things, or as a fuel

Usage examples:

He gathered some wood to build a fire., she attached a couple of planks of wood to the wall for she…

A type of golf club (= long, thin stick) with a rounded wooden end, used for hitting the ball over long distances

Usage examples:

He likes to use a number 2 wood to tee off.

An area of land covered with a thick growth of trees

Usage examples:

An oak wood, we went for a walk in the woods after lunch.

Made of wood

Usage examples:

Solid wood furniture is sturdy and durable., we sanded and polished the wood floor in the living ro…

Wood translation into English

Wood: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wood into Chinese (Simplified)}
木头, 木, 木材, 树林, 林, 樿

Wood: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wood into Dutch}
Hout, Houten, Bos, Bebossen, Houtblazers, Houten bal, Met hout laden, Van hout voorzien, Cricketbal

Wood: translate from English into French

Translate wood into French}
Bois, En bois, De bois, Taillis, Cuve

Wood: translate from English into German

Translate wood into German}
Holz, Wald

Wood: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wood into Hindi}
लकड़ी, वुड, जंगल, वन, लकड़े का

Wood: translate from English into Italian

Translate wood into Italian}
Di legno, Legno, Legna, Bosco, Legname, Selva, Botte, Silvestre

Wood: translate from English into Korean

Translate wood into Korean}
목재, 나무, 숲, 나무 부분, 술통, 목제의, ...에 나무를 심다, 장작을 지피다, 재목으로 받치다, 장작을 쌓다, 목재를 모으다

Wood: translate from English into Russian

Translate wood into Russian}
Древесина, Дерево, Дрова, Лес, Деревянный, Лесной, Лесоматериал, Роща, Бочка, Бочонок, Запасаться топливом, Сажать лес

Wood: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wood into Spanish}
Madera, De madera, Leña, Bosque, Palo, Monte, De los bosques, Barril, Bola, Selvático, Instrumento

Word origin

Old English wudu, from a Germanic word related to Welsh gwŷdd ‘trees’.

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