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The meaning of Weal


Weal – definition


A red, swollen mark left on flesh by a blow or pressure.

Usage examples:

She slapped his cheek and a bright red weal sprang up on it

Mark with a weal.

Usage examples:

His neck was wealed and raw

That which is best for someone or something.

Usage examples:

I am holding this trial behind closed doors in the public weal

A raised mark on the skin caused by being hit or injured in some other way

Usage examples:

His back was covered with weals where he had been repeatedly beaten.

Weal translation into English

Weal: translate from English into Chinese

Translate weal into Chinese (Simplified)}
福利, 在 ... 上抽打出条壮鞭痕, 鞭痕

Weal: translate from English into Dutch

Translate weal into Dutch}
Weal, Welzijn, Striem

Weal: translate from English into French

Translate weal into French}
Bonheur, Zébrure, Marque d'un coup de bâton, Marque d'un coup de fouet

Weal: translate from English into German

Translate weal into German}
Wohl, Striemen

Weal: translate from English into Hindi

Translate weal into Hindi}
घाव का निशान, घाव का चिह्न पड़ना, सीवन, क्षत का निशान, क्षत का चिह्न, घाव का चिह्न, लाभ, फ़ायदा, हित, भलाई, कल्याण, आनन्द, सुख, ज़ख़म का निशान, ज़ख़म का चिह्न

Weal: translate from English into Italian

Translate weal into Italian}
Bene, Benessere, Piaga

Weal: translate from English into Korean

Translate weal into Korean}
복리, 번영, 행복, 발진, 안녕, 부, 국가, ...에 부르튼 자리를 내다, 부어오름, 길게 부르튼 자리

Weal: translate from English into Russian

Translate weal into Russian}
Благо, Рубец, Благосостояние, Полоса, Вырабатывать ткань в рубчик, Полосовать, Оставлять рубцы, Волдырь, Вельс, Рубчик

Weal: translate from English into Spanish

Translate weal into Spanish}

Word origin

Old English wela ‘wealth, well-being’, of West Germanic origin; related to well1.

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