Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Wale


Wale – definition


A ridge on a textured woven fabric such as corduroy.

Usage examples:

A skirt of mid-wale cotton corduroy

A horizontal wooden strip fitted as strengthening to a boat's side.

Usage examples:

Michael gives measurements for the height of the wale at the midship frame.

A horizontal band around a woven basket.

Usage examples:

A wale is an almost unnoticeable, but very important band of weave.

Wale translation into English

Wale: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wale into Chinese (Simplified)}
威尔士, 使有鞭条痕, 条痕, 岗子

Wale: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wale into Dutch}
Wale, Litteken, Kiezen, Litteken maken, Uitgezochte dingen, Ribbel

Wale: translate from English into French

Translate wale into French}
Baleine, Zébrure, Marque de coup

Wale: translate from English into German

Translate wale into German}

Wale: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wale into Hindi}
Wale, घाव का निशान, क्षत का चिह्न, घाव का चिह्न, क्षत का निशान, ज़ख़म का निशान, ज़ख़म का चिह्न, पसंद

Wale: translate from English into Italian

Translate wale into Italian}

Wale: translate from English into Korean

Translate wale into Korean}
웨일, 채찍 자국, 융기, 채찍 자국의 부르튼 곳, 가로로 낸 골, ...에 채찍 자국을 내다

Wale: translate from English into Russian

Translate wale into Russian}
Уэйл, Рубчик, Полоса, Вырабатывать ткань в рубчик, Полосовать, Оставлять рубцы, Вельс, Рубец

Wale: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wale into Spanish}

Word origin

late Old English walu ‘stripe, weal’.

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