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The meaning of Wait


Wait – definition


Stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or event.

Usage examples:

I rang the bell and waited

Used to indicate that one is eagerly impatient to do something or for something to happen.

Usage examples:

I can't wait to tell nick what happened

Street singers of christmas carols.

Usage examples:

Originally they were mummers, performing traditional plays, and they then became known as waits, wh…

Wait translation into English

Wait: translate from English into Chinese

Translate wait into Chinese (Simplified)}
等待, 等, 等候, 候, 伺, 想到, 俟, 恇, 意, 意料, 意想, 听侯

Wait: translate from English into Dutch

Translate wait into Dutch}
Wacht, Wachten, Wachttijd, Afwachten, Wachten op, Wachten met, Het wachten, Bedienen, Pauze, Staan te wachten, Oponthoud, Serveren, Rust, Tafeldienen, Begeleiden, Vergezellen, Volgen op, Gepaard gaan met

Wait: translate from English into French

Translate wait into French}
Attendez, Attente, Patienter, Servir, Faire attendre, Chanteur de noël, Guet-apens

Wait: translate from English into German

Translate wait into German}
Warten, Abwarten, Wartezeit, Bedienen, Stehen, Lauer, Lauern, Aufenthalt, Servieren

Wait: translate from English into Hindi

Translate wait into Hindi}
रुको, प्रतीक्षा, घात, प्रतीक्षा करना, ठहरना, इंतिज़ार, इंतिज़ार करना, राह देखना, सेवा करना, वाट जोहना, प्रस्तुत रहना

Wait: translate from English into Italian

Translate wait into Italian}
Aspettare, Attesa, Servire, Agguato, Vedere, Ritardare, Aspettativa, Imboscata

Wait: translate from English into Korean

Translate wait into Korean}
기다리다, 기다림, 기다리는 시간, 섬기다, 숨어 기다림, 늦추다, 만나려고 기다리다, 대기하다, 기대하다, 준비되어 있다, 내버려두어도 되다, 시중들다

Wait: translate from English into Russian

Translate wait into Russian}
Ждать, Ожидание, Подождать, Дожидаться, Выжидать, Обождать, Прождать, Поджидать, Откладывать, Прислуживать, Выжидание, Сопутствовать, Засада, Быть официантом, Сопровождать

Wait: translate from English into Spanish

Translate wait into Spanish}
Espere, Esperar, Espera, Aguardar, Dejar, Servir, Aplazar, Pausa, Guardar, Intervalo

Word origin

Middle English: from Old Northern French waitier, of Germanic origin; related to wake1. Early senses included ‘lie in wait (for’), ‘observe carefully’, and ‘be watchful’.

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