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The meaning of Votes


Votes – definition


A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands.

Usage examples:

Voters will have two votes on their ballot paper - one to vote for or against a regional assembly a…

Give or register a vote.

Usage examples:

They voted against the resolution

To express your choice or opinion as one member of a group in order to decide a matter of importance to the whole group or to elect someone to an office

Usage examples:

[ i ] i voted early this morning just after the polls opened., [ i ] in a democracy, all adult citi…

To express your choice or opinion, especially by writing a mark on an official paper or by raising your hand

Usage examples:

Are you eligible to vote?, she was voted britain's best boss., vote for/against sb/sth they voted f…

Votes translation into English

Votes: translate from English into Chinese

Translate votes into Chinese (Simplified)}
选票, 投票, 表决, 表决权, 票选, 轮询

Votes: translate from English into Dutch

Translate votes into Dutch}
Stemmen, Stem, Stemming, Kiezen

Votes: translate from English into French

Translate votes into French}
Voix, Voter, Vote, Scrutin, Suffrage, Adopter, Ratifier, Aller aux urnes, Donner sa voix, Dépouiller le scrutin

Votes: translate from English into German

Translate votes into German}
Stimmen, Abstimmung, Wählen, Abstimmen, Stimme, Wahl, Votum, Wahlrecht, Wählen zu, Bewilligen, Bewilligung, Wahlergebnis

Votes: translate from English into Hindi

Translate votes into Hindi}
वोट, मतदान, मत, मताधिकार, वोटिंग, राय, वोट देना, राय देना, वोटदान

Votes: translate from English into Italian

Translate votes into Italian}
Voti, Votare, Voto, Votazione

Votes: translate from English into Korean

Translate votes into Korean}
투표, 표, 표결, 투표권, 유권자, 투표자, 의결 사항, 투표 총수, 제의하다, ...이라고 인정하다, 투표로 지지하다, 표결하다, 투표하여 의결하다, 투표하여 가결하다, 제안하다, 투표하다, 투표선거권, 투표의 표찰

Votes: translate from English into Russian

Translate votes into Russian}
Голоса, Голос, Голосовать, Голосование, Вотум, Право голоса, Решение, Баллотировка, Избиратель, Ассигнования, Избирательный голос, Избирательный бюллетень, Вносить предложение, Голос на выборах, Общее число голосов, Баллотировать, Ассигновать, Признавать, Выделять, Предлагать, Кредиты

Votes: translate from English into Spanish

Translate votes into Spanish}

Word origin

late Middle English: from Latin votum ‘a vow, wish’, from vovere ‘to vow’. The verb dates from the mid 16th century.

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