Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Untrained

Untrained – definition


Not having been trained in a particular skill.

Usage examples:

Self-styled doctors untrained in diagnosis

Never having been taught the skills for a particular job or activity

Usage examples:

Untrained staff, the notation is designed to make it easier for untrained singers to read music., t…

Untrained translation into English

Untrained: translate from English into Chinese

Translate untrained into Chinese (Simplified)}

Untrained: translate from English into Dutch

Translate untrained into Dutch}
Ongetraind, Ongeoefenend, Onafgericht, Ongedrild

Untrained: translate from English into French

Translate untrained into French}
Non formé, Non dressé

Untrained: translate from English into German

Translate untrained into German}
Ungeschult, Untrainiert, Unausgebildet, Undressiert

Untrained: translate from English into Hindi

Translate untrained into Hindi}
अशिक्षित, अप्रशिक्षित

Untrained: translate from English into Italian

Translate untrained into Italian}
Non addestrato

Untrained: translate from English into Korean

Translate untrained into Korean}
훈련받지 않은, 연습을 쌓지 않은

Untrained: translate from English into Russian

Translate untrained into Russian}
Необученный, Неподготовленный

Untrained: translate from English into Spanish

Translate untrained into Spanish}
Inexperto, No entrenado, Desentrenado, No adiestrado, No cualificado, Sin amaestrar, Sin título, Que no tiene título

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Untrained synonims

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