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The meaning of Ugly


Ugly – definition


Unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.

Usage examples:

People in school always told me i was ugly

Involving or likely to involve violence or other unpleasantness.

Usage examples:

The mood in the room turned ugly

Ugly translation into English

Ugly: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ugly into Chinese (Simplified)}
丑陋的, 丑陋, 丑, 丑恶, 陋, 媸, 窳, 娸, 寙, 窳劣

Ugly: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ugly into Dutch}
Lelijk, Vervelend, Bedenkelijk

Ugly: translate from English into French

Translate ugly into French}
Moche, Laid, Vilain, Horrible, Déplaisant, Répugnant

Ugly: translate from English into German

Translate ugly into German}
Hässlich, Unschön, Schlimm, Übel, Garstig, Unangenehm, Widerlich, Ekelhaft, Widerwärtig, Bedrohlich, Gemein

Ugly: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ugly into Hindi}
कुरूप, बुरा, भद्दा, बेढब, दुष्ट, बड़ा बदसूरत, बेढ़ंगा, द्वेषपूर्ण, संकटमय, भोंडा, भौंड़ा, डाह-भरा, ख़तरनाक

Ugly: translate from English into Italian

Translate ugly into Italian}
Brutta, Brutto, Minaccioso

Ugly: translate from English into Korean

Translate ugly into Korean}
못생긴, 추한, 추악한, 험악한, 위험한, 보기 흉한 것, 심술궂은, 여성 모자의 차양

Ugly: translate from English into Russian

Translate ugly into Russian}
Уродливый, Безобразный, Неприятный, Противный, Скверный, Склочный, Опасный, Вздорный, Отталкивающий, Задиристый, Угрожающий

Ugly: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ugly into Spanish}
Feo, Repugnante, Asqueroso, Inquietante, Peligroso, Violento, Nada grato, Ñato, Malhecho, Macaco

Word origin

Middle English: from Old Norse uggligr ‘to be dreaded’, from ugga ‘to dread’.

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