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The meaning of Twitch


Twitch – definition


Give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement.

Usage examples:

Her lips twitched and her eyelids fluttered

Use a twitch to subdue (a horse).

Usage examples:

The vet tied him to a high smooth wall and then twitched him.

A short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement.

Usage examples:

His mouth gave a slight twitch

A small noose attached to a stick, which may be twisted around the upper lip or the ear of a horse to subdue it during veterinary procedures.

Usage examples:

Others have resorted to twitches, blindfolds and tying up a front leg.

To make a short and sudden movement, or to cause part of your body to move suddenly

Usage examples:

[ i ] she saw his mouth twitch into a little smile that disappeared almost at once., she signalled …

(to cause) to make a sudden small movement with a part of the body, usually without intending to

Usage examples:

He tried to suppress a smile but felt the corner of his mouth twitch., she twitched her nose like a…

To give something a sudden light pull

Usage examples:

You'll feel something twitch the line when you get a fish.

If you say that curtains twitch, you mean that someone is very interested in what their neighbours (= people who live near them) are doing and tries to find out by looking out of the window without being seen

Usage examples:

It is easy to imagine the curtains twitching furiously when a young couple moved into the area and …

To be very interested in what your neighbours (= people who live near you) are doing and try to find out by looking out of the window without being seen

Usage examples:

Who needs to twitch curtains, when the neighbours are performing on the front lawn with spotlights …

A sudden small, usually unintentional, movement of a part of the body

Usage examples:

I have a twitch in the corner of my eye.

A sudden light pull or movement

Twitch translation into English

Twitch: translate from English into Chinese

Translate twitch into Chinese (Simplified)}
抽搐, 抽动, 搐, 抽筋, 搐动

Twitch: translate from English into Dutch

Translate twitch into Dutch}
Zenuwtrekking, Trekken, Ruk, Rukken

Twitch: translate from English into French

Translate twitch into French}
Tic, Mouvement convulsif, Se convulser, Coup sec, Saccade, Attraction, Donner un coup sec, Attacher avec sangle, Chevrotement, Se frissonner, Douleur cinglante, Tirer d'un coup sec, S'agiter

Twitch: translate from English into German

Translate twitch into German}
Zucken, Zuckung, Ziehen

Twitch: translate from English into Hindi

Translate twitch into Hindi}
ऐंठन, चिकोटी, मरोड़, आक्षेप, झटका, झटके से खींचना, झटके से घसीटना

Twitch: translate from English into Italian

Translate twitch into Italian}
Contrazione, Contrarsi, Tirare, Agitarsi, Strattone, Convulso

Twitch: translate from English into Korean

Translate twitch into Korean}
경련, 꼬집다, 씰룩거리다, 씰룩씰룩 움직이다, 홱 잡아당기다, 코 비트는 기구, 홱 잡아당김

Twitch: translate from English into Russian

Translate twitch into Russian}
Дергаться, Подергивание, Подергиваться, Судорога, Дергать, Подергивать, Тащить, Рывок, Скоба, Петля, Нервное состояние, Резкое дергающее усилие

Twitch: translate from English into Spanish

Translate twitch into Spanish}
Contracción nerviosa, Tic, Sacudida, Tirón, Crisparse, Crispar, Moverse nerviosamente, Movimiento, Retorcer, Mover nerviosamente, Tirar bruscamente, Tirar ligeramente

Word origin

Middle English: of Germanic origin; related to Old English twiccian ‘to pluck, pull sharply’.

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