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The meaning of Twines

Twines – definition


Wind or cause to wind round something.

Usage examples:

The plant will twine round its support

Moan; complain.

Usage examples:

Stop twining on about the snow

An instance of moaning or complaining.

Usage examples:

Having a good twine today—well, i am british and we do love complaining!

Strong thread or string consisting of two or more strands of hemp or cotton twisted together.

Usage examples:

An empty plastic 2 litre bottle is tied to a rock, or bag of stones with strong twine or string.

Strong string made by twisting together two or more lengths of string

Twines translation into English

Twines: translate from English into Chinese

Translate twines into Chinese (Simplified)}
麻绳, 缠绕, 盘绕, 合股线

Twines: translate from English into Dutch

Translate twines into Dutch}
Touwtjes, Twijn, Twijnen, Vlechten, Strengelen, Zich kronkelen, Warboel, Bocht, Kronkel, Zeilgaren, Twijndraad, Tweernen

Twines: translate from English into French

Translate twines into French}
Ficelles, Ficelle, Tresser, Entortiller, Ficeler, Enrouler autour, Natter, Serpenter, Zigzaguer, S'entortiller

Twines: translate from English into German

Translate twines into German}
Zwirn, Schnur, Winden, Bindfaden, Schlingen, Einflechten, Ringeln, Sich schlingen, Zusammendrehen

Twines: translate from English into Hindi

Translate twines into Hindi}
सुतली, रस्सी, डोरा

Twines: translate from English into Italian

Translate twines into Italian}
Spago, Cordicella, Attorcigliare, Attorcigliarsi, Intrecciare, Torcere, Cordoncino, Garbuglio, Funicella, Torcersi

Twines: translate from English into Korean

Translate twines into Korean}
꼬기, 감기다, 짜다, 꼬다, 꼰 실, 엉클어짐, 감기게 하다, 구불거리다

Twines: translate from English into Russian

Translate twines into Russian}
Шпагаты, Шпагат, Бечевка, Обвивать, Обвиваться, Вить, Обносить, Виться, Свивать, Плести, Скручивать, Сплетать, Сплетение, Скручивание, Шнур, Кольца, Увивать, Шнурок, Опоясывать, Окружать, Свить

Twines: translate from English into Spanish

Translate twines into Spanish}
Cordeles, Enroscarse, Guita, Hilo, Bramante, Torzal, Enroscar, Entrelazarse, Tejer, Ceñir, Enrollar, Trepar con, Serpentear, Retorcer

Word origin

early 19th century: origin uncertain; perhaps an alteration of whine.

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